This was always a favorite when we went to my Grandma's house, it is easy and kids love it! We like lots of bananas in ours, so you may want to adjust...
This recipe came from my momma and is my favorite fruit salad. It can also be made sugar-free for those who need to watch their blood sugar. Delicious...
EASY EASY EASY. If you like maraschino cherries you can use them, if not remember there are maraschino cherries in your fruit cocktail. Also, a little...
I've experimented with these a lot and have finally found a combination that comes out as stiff as gelatin desserts but are completely vegan. Works well...
This is a wonderful dessert salad that never failed to be a hit. Made the day before the brown sugar makes the sauce taste like caramel. You can use less...
This is a wonderful dessert salad that never failed to be a hit. Made the day before the brown sugar makes the sauce taste like caramel. You can use less...