An excellent dish for a picnic as you serve this cold. Comes from my handwritten book of tried and tested recipes, this is a firm family favourite in summer...
I experimented with curry powder this winter, while trying to add some new flavors into my culinary life. This recipe became a favorite way to enjoy beef....
I couldn't find a satisfying slow cooker recipe for curry chicken, so I decided to create my own, combining the best parts of several recipes. The ingredients...
A simple prawn curry, not too hot. Lovely served atop steamed basmati rice with a side of cucumber raita. May use scallops or other seafood in place of...
This is an authentic 5 star restaurant-quality Thai/Indian style dish that can be created at home. This dish is an amazing Thai dish, and one I could quite...
I originally found this recipe on, made some changes for my family's tastes, and it is SO good! A great vegetarian dish with a nice balance...
Flavorful, filling, healthy and delicious, this is more colorful and interesting than basic beans and rice...kidneys, black beans, garbanzos, spices and...
This recipe came from the pork producers of Nova Scotia, Canada that I got many years ago. I made it for the first time the other day and everyone loved...
This is a versatile recipe, where other vegetables or even other meats, such as chicken, could be substituted. If using meat in the recipe, do allow longer...
I refer to this as "best friend casserole" because it was given to my mom from her best friend, who is no longer with us. I guarantee after you make it,...
Chock-full of chickpeas, this colourful stew is mildly spicy and divinely easy. Just throw it all in the oven, stir once, and dinner's ready in an hour!...
I love these tender chicken pieces in fragrant coconut curry gravy. When served with hot coconut rice and fried anchovies, it's called Nasi Lemak. (Check...
Recipe video above. Vindaloo is a traditional Indian curry that's not for the faint hearted! Big, bold curry flavours. Deep, vibrant red colour. Chunks...
I've always love crustacean dishes...especially prawns. In my hometown in Davao City, Philippines, there's one famous seafood resto that offers the best...
This recipe started from the back of a Thai Kitchen curry paste jar. A few modifications and I lost my main reason for wanting to go out for Thai. Now...
This is from a magazine dated September 1977 with a bit of adaption from us. If you don't want to peel prawns about 500 grams cooked prawn flesh will do...
This is an easy recipe with amazing results. I first tried this with fresh chilli, lemongrass and ginger, but the things I list here can be kept as part...
This is really delicious, cheap and easy to make and best of all, low fat and low calorie (the chicken is really the only ingredient with a significant...
This is an easy beginner's curry. It is a very flexible recipe- you can use whatever vegetables you prefer or have to hand.The flavours are not spicy but...
I spent a considerable number of years an Asian expatriate in the Western world, mostly as a student. Back when I was in boarding school in Australia,...
As a student, I can't really afford to visit Thai restaurants daily...otherwise I would. Yellow curry is one of my favorite Thai dishes. This is a recipe...
Ok this take a little bit more effort than something out of a jar, but I garneted the flavour is amazing. This is a tried & tested recipe that I cook for...
There are lots of versions of this dish around, but after some trial and error - I think this is the one! A totally satisfying dish on every level. You...
Ayurvedic Dhal is a very easy to make dish that can be prepared whenever you don't have much time and still want to eat something nutritious and delicious...
This is a favorite family recipe we received from a good friend. One batch is never enough! The recipe is so versatile that you can add tofu, mushrooms,...
This is the best homemade yellow chicken curry I have ever had! My husband asks me to make it again and again. A little time consuming at first, since...
A spicy and adaptable recipe by Jill Nussinow, "The Veggie Queen" ( You can add other vegetables like potatoes at the beginning or...
Adapted from November 2010 issue of Bon Appetit. This is the closest recipe I have found to my favorite Thai restaurant. Cook longer (about 1 hr., rather...
A recipe that came with my weekly vegetable delivery. I am reposting it here as it was first printed, but I prefer to parboil the potatoes before adding...
This is one of our favorite Madhur Jaffrey recipes from her wonderful book "From Curries to Kebabs: Recipes From the Indian Spice Trail". We like this...