We've found your new summertime cocktail recipe. This slushy is refreshing and perfect for a hot summer day. We loved the delicious flavor combination...
Got my BonAppetit magazine yesterday and found this DELISH drink recipe in it. Of course I had to try it, I'm sipping on one right now and BOY OH BOY is...
I named this punch after the subtitle of Shakespeare's comedy "Twelfth Night": A wonderfully boozy play merits a suitably potent (and fun) drink. The whiskey-based...
On a warm spring night, the Emperor's Garden, a rhubarb and gin cocktail spiked with Thai basil and seasoned rice vinegar (a condiment used to make sushi...
Brandy slush is a Wisconsin favorite during the holiday season. This delicious brandy cocktail is infused with flavors of citrus and tea, and it's perfect...
This is a treat all the way from Switzerland. It was in 1904 that Ovaltine was developed in Bern, Switzerland. And it has remained a staple milk-flavoring...
My Dad makes these, only I add more Cider...A delicious use for apple cider. Make sure you coat the rim of the glass with the sugar cinnamon mixture...that...
The Murricane is the nickname the actor Dan Aykroyd supposedly gave to his frequent (and frequently moody) co-star Bill Murray. In this drink, named for...
Jill Dobias, of the East Village restaurant Joe and Misses Doe, is a master of creative cocktails with irreverent names. The Clam in a Can is her spicy,...
The Wright Flyer is an adaptation of the classic Paper Plane cocktail, with a nod to North Carolina from its creator. Drew Furlough, a restaurant manager...
This austere cocktail, as elegant and proper as the hotel it's named after, has long been associated with the Wilmington, Del., landmark, which still stands....
The B-52 is a layered shooter (served in a shot glass) that first emerged in the 1970s to raving reviews because of its sweet, creamy flavor. It's usually...
Pineapple vodka is so easy to make at home and the pineapple flavor is so much more intense than any store bought pineapple vodka we have tried. Perfect...
I Do Not Drink Wine My Self But This I Think I Will Try It.A Lot Of My Friends On J.A.P. Has Ask Me To Post Some Of Wine's On Here So Here Is one,Hope...
I had Crystal Light Margarita mix at my Saturday BUNKO Supper Club and it was delish. Although we did not have any alcohol in it, I thought you could make...
At Philip Marie in Greenwich Village, John Greco uses ginger beer to top a bourbon cocktail seasoned with a splash of good balsamic vinegar, a slight variation...
The mixologist Chantal Tseng created this variation of a kir royale for a literary cocktail evening in tribute to Neil Gaiman's novel "Stardust." The subtle...
The Bushwacker was first created in 1975 at a pub in St. Thomas (Virgin Islands). It tastes like a creamy, chocolate version of the classic Piña Colada....
In the hands of a great mixologist, simple syrup can add a lot more than just sweetness to the mix, and it is the secret to this delicious sidecar. Joaquín...
From a mixologist who said his favorite dessert, the grapefruit granita, was the inspiration for creating a grapefruit version of the classic Cuban cocktail...