This is a simple but delicious way to prepare chicken. Good-quality olive oil and generous amounts of salt and pepper make for a savory chicken breast...
This recipe using only three chicken breasts is very economical and super delicious! My kids love it and they are extremely picky. The chicken just melts...
One way to distinguish between Cajun and Creole jambalaya: Traditional Cajun cooking doesn't include tomatoes. It does contain plenty of thyme, paprika,...
This chicken stew uses the flavor of the whole chicken and tangy tomatillos and traditional Mexican enhancements such as cilantro, garlic, and onion to...
I got the inspiration for this recipe from Papa John's chicken bacon ranch pizza. It's our favorite, so I tried re creating it at home. It turned out great!...
To spatchcock a chicken you need to remove the backbone of the chicken and spread it open like a book. This method for grilling a whole chicken lets the...
This recipe receives raves every time I serve it! The sauce will be a small quantity and very thick. Don't let that scare you! Baking or grilling the chicken...
Try this recipe from Lucinda Scala Quinn's "Mad Hungry" cookbook for a simple, family-friendly way to serve delicious roast chicken. It's just one of our...
This recipe makes a lot, but it will freeze well should you decide against grazing over leftovers for a few days, and it's certainly worth making extra...
A creamy, cheesy, comfort-food take on enchiladas. The name of this dish means "Swiss enchiladas," not because it's a Swiss recipe but because of the generous...
This is the easiest marinade I have ever used, and one of the most popular with my family. This recipe also works well with any cut of chicken--thighs,...
Slow cookers are so great for those times when you want a fuss-free dinner. You can literally throw everything in it and leave it all day so you have a...
This is the best curry chicken you will ever have. It is also very good with a side of basmati rice! This recipe comes from my Assyrian grandma! Hope you...
I learned to make this when I was vacationing in Bermuda after high school. It has been 18 years, and this is still one of our favorite dishes ever! My...
Heat things up with our Hot and Spicy Grilled Chicken Wings. This recipe is perfect for a cookout. These Hot and Spicy Grilled Chicken Wings include tangy,...
A simple 4-ingredient dish, I usually have these ingredients on hand in the fridge, freezer or pantry for a last-minute dinner emergency. This was modified...
3/18/13. I've updated this recipe to include alternate choices for the canned chicken the original recipe called for. Lately, I've been using store bought...
This is an easy dish, but nice enough for company. My bunko group raved about it! Serve it with a Ceasar salad and crusty bread. I got it from
A simple Asian dish with a savory-sweet bite. If you don't have plum jam, you can use apricot preserves instead. Serve with baked squash and wild rice...
Piri-piri chicken is a spicy dish with roots in both Africa and Portugal. The dish was created in Angola and Mozambique when Portuguese settlers arrived...
A crisp cucumber and fresh herb salad makes a light yet vibrant companion to this golden dish. A squeeze of fresh lime juice and a dollop of yogurt added...
This was my grandmother's and mother's recipe. It is 125 plus years old. If you are going to fry anything, let it be a frying size chicken. Cut your calories...
This Chicago original is a one-pan dish that starts on the stove and finishes in the oven. It's made with browned chicken-on-the-bone pieces, baked with...
This came from a can of coconut milk I made no changes. It's quick and easy, we eat it weekly and it is so wonderful. If you like curry you will absolutely...