What a great alternative to traditional chocolate fudge! Smooth, creamy, nutty and... well, just plain good. It's full of vanilla flavor. Walnuts add the...
I created this recipe from another candy recipe that didn't turn out quite like I wanted it to. As it turns out...this fudge creation turned out a LOT...
My Mama has been making this recipe since I was a kid. I have no idea where the recipe came from but it is easy and very delish. You could use any flavor...
I am the youngest of five kids. So growing up this is what we would give our teachers at Christmas time. This is an inexpensive yummy treat and present....
Yum! Homemade marshmallows!!! Follow the recipe as is (delicious!) or choose colors and flavors to suit your fancy. Also, be sure to keep an eye on the...
I don't know who thought of sprinkling caramels with sea salt, but now I don't want them any other way! Pure genious!! These holiday caramels are sure...
The Kitchen Crew is plain nutty for these little guys! We had to hold my grandson - an Honorary Crew Member - back before he ate the whole first batch!...
This recipe is from Kitchen Chatter and Friends book 2. This recipe can be made with your favorite jell-o flavor. Ma bunch- very colorful presentation....
Every Christmas my dear Aunt Helen made a wonderful tray of cookies and candies. I loved her peanut butter fudge. I have been making it ever since I got...
This is a GREAT recipe for Peanut Butter lovers (ME)! I'm writing this EXACTLY as my dietician told me so that we diabetics can eat it safely! ONE, I SAY...
My mom made candy and chocolates for Christmas every year of her life. They were so good. I used to do the same thing when I left home. Since moving to...
Had these at a friend's house last night; ridiculously good. So good I ignored the fudge & other cookies being served, and was afraid it would be dangerous...
This is one of the EASIEST homemade copycat candy recipes out there. The prep is the longest part because you have to remove all of the wrappers from a...
Someone has probably already posted this - I can't even call it a recipe, it is so simple - but this is such a cute idea. My grandchildren enjoyed helping...
This simple holiday candy is a favorite of my family. It taste just like a Mounds candybar, the hardest part is getting the sticky off of your fingers...
I love making candy for the holidays, I like beautiful candies with tastes that stimulate the feel for the holiday. I take this to Parties at church, work,...
What a cute tasty treat to keep on hand for the holidays! Package in clear cellophane bags and these would make a great party gift. I just see one problem......
Who doesn't enjoy Peanut butter, Chocolate and peanuts?? These are so easy using your own favorite Peanut butter cookie recipe. I have listed (3) variations...
Mr. Food gave this recipe on TV a few years ago. Its especially good for Easter as you can make these and the Finger Jello in Easter shapes and kids love...
Peppermint bark is a holiday favorite. It's popular at Christmas parties and often given out as gifts to family and friends. But, it can be expensive to...
A friend of mine from my teen years, Mary S, made this easy and wonderful fudge. I never knew where she got the name, but always enjoyed tasting it! I...