This Recipe is a State Fair Blue Ribbon winner. This is an easy sugar cookie recipe, you don't have to roll it out, and the cookies are soft and chewy,...
Holidays are upon us, and the RUSH is on for Baking, These are the Best GInger Snap cookies around so Here is another family favorite, this recipe goes...
Even in making a "family" cookbook, there are times when someone extremely close to the family shares a recipe from their family. This is the case here....
Melt-in-your-mouth Chocolate Crinkle Cookies are like little bites of heaven! Rolled in a thick layer of powdered sugar, each snowy-white cookie crackles...
I used to love Toll House® chocolate chip cookies but can no longer eat grains for health reasons. I tried many things and these are surprisingly close...
These are a family personal favorite handed down from my husband's Aunt. They're great for Christmas or Easter (just change the color of the sprinkles!)....
With a little experimenting, I came up with these chewy, spicy, oatmeal raisin cookies. They make your kitchen smell wonderful while they are baking. They...
I can't even remember where I learned this recipe, I have been making them for 20 + years, every christmas, my family loves them. Using ricotta in the...
Here is a different take on pecan sandies, I don't remember where I found it but I made them this past Christmas and the recipe has been requested 5 times...
This is a quick and easy recipe you can make when you're short on time and guests are on their way. Hot and fresh cookies are always a hit. You can tweak...
We enjoyed Anzac biscuits on a trip to New Zealand a few years ago. They were a little different in every place we tried them. This retains the spirit...
It's no accident that these tasty Chocolate Chip Cookies Without Brown Sugar are a favorite for many cookie fans! Their incredibly crisp cookie bottom...
Orange Meringue Cookies are delicious and gorgeous making them the perfect special occasion cookies. They are easy to pipe and easy to color. You can adjust...