Beautiful brown bread. This brown soda bread is easy to make, even at the last minute. Cut a nice thick slice off and slightly warm through and then thickly...
Got this recipe from my mom. It is a pretty good recipe, and can be made with canned or fresh pumpkin. One half cup raisins may be substituted for the...
My favorite on-the-go breakfast or afternoon snack. Packed with lots of fiber, protein, and lower in sugar than most treats. Perfect with a nice cup of...
A recipe passed down through an Irish family for many generations contains none of the modern supplements like yeast or sugar. This is a simple, very effective...
My grandma made this every weekend to go with her traditional big Irish breakfast. It's cooked on an electric griddle and cut into toast-sized slices that...
Cloud bread is soft and fluffy - like a cloud! It's a great substitute for 'regular' bread and is low in carbs. Although it's not firm enough to replace...
This gluten-free, grain-free bread is high in protein and fiber. If you are used to highly sweetened foods, you may find my recipes not sweet enough for...
A moist not too sweet version of a figgy pudding but made with dates and minus the spices. You could try covering with buttered foil and steaming it for...
This recipe uses a white bread straight dough as the base. When making raisin bread, you may use brown sugar instead of white. Grated orange or lemon rind...
Sweet and salty monkey bread with a delicious twist - bacon! This recipe was created from two existing recipes, with the idea courtesy of the St. Louis...
This is a family favorite made easy. Preparing the dough in a bread machine saves time kneading the dough by hand. My grandmother used to make these when...
Doubling the pumpkin by adding pumpkin beer puts a little twist on your typical pumpkin bread recipe. Pumpkin beer and chia seed create an incredibly moist...
I own a small coffee shop/deli and my customers really enjoy this delicious breakfast bread! To Make Vanilla Flavored Sugar: To a 1 gallon jar of sugar,...
Hearty wheat bread with nutty flavor and lots of good tasting seeds. All the seeds and the Vital Wheat Gluten were available at my local health food store....
Banana bread is one of those things people rarely make on purpose, only when those last three bananas are almost black. This scrumptious banana-walnut...