This is how i make spiked strawberry lemonade when its just me. This is a nice refreshing cold drink on a hot day. Adults only. For a nice variation try...
Bethenny Frankel is from The Real Housewives of New York City. She is also a natural food chef and is famous for creating this margarita, She likens this...
Don't let the name throw you! These are the best margaritas I've ever made at home! No blender needed. Just mix and pour. Try this just once, they won't...
This is the cat's Meow! I know you are saying there are already a lot of recipes on this site for the same thing, I researched them before posting mine...
This is the best 'recipe' for Margaritas I've made...and I've made a lot. Not too sweet, not too sour - just PERFECT! Depending on how big you like your...
A rich, delicious, and decadent hot drink that will please the coffee and chocolate lover in you! Adapted from the Baileys website to suit our tastes......
this recipe makes ***1 batch*** of only 1 color. A cute sophisticated jello shot...great for intimate dinner parties or new years eve! make any flavor...
This is from Frys Cocoa Powder can, the only difference is that I add the cornstarch which adds creaminess. I also add a pinch of cinnamon sometimes, to...
Light yet potent! Strawberries, lemon, apples, white wine, and rum make a perfect summer sangria that'll knock your socks off. Pinned over a million...
Hot chocolate first came to Spain by means of religious orders at the beginning of the Conquest. Spanish chocolate(Chocolate a la espanola) is thick and...
I have been making this recipe for ages now and when I first found it, it was on the side of Hershey's Cocoa Tin. As a matter of fact, my mother used to...
Top Secret Recipe Version, from Todd Wilbur. The rim of the glass on the real thing is dipped in green sugar crystals usually used for cake decorating....
Probably no mixed drink recipe has been as mistreated by bartenders as this one. This is a delicious adaptation of the original Singapore Sling recipe...
This is much easier to prepare than similar cocktails of the same name that require boiling cranberries, oranges and sugar for 20 minutes, and then waiting...
We're right in the middle of bountiful strawberry season. We eat strawberries on everything in the summer, don't you? Did you know that most strawberry...
Based on a recipe from my Magic Bullet to Go! Recipe Handbook camping section. It says, "The perfect pick-me-up for a mid-day slump! In just seconds, you'll...