Cherry lovers, rejoice! This simple and classic French cherry clafoutis recipe features fresh cherries baked in a custard with slivered almonds. Dust lightly...
Buttermilk is so easy to make with two ingredients you probably already have at home. Once you have the recipe for it, nothing will hold you back from...
This Pina Colada Pie is beyond amazing! Every bite is filled with toasted coconut with a graham cracker crust and a creamy coconut filling with crushed...
This Maple Cardamom Apple Crisp features a perfectly jammy apple filling that is warmly spiced with cinnamon, cardamom, and maple syrup, and then topped...
Beautifully soft Portuguese rolls that pair perfectly with just about anything. My personal favourites being a juicy prego roll or to simply dunk in a...
As this is a book about what I cook and what I find easy at home I'm not going to hide the pastry recipe in a small corner in the back of the book. I find...
Benne seed cookies are a popular treat in South Carolina's low country. These nutty, crunchy, sweet wafers use sesame seeds, all-purpose flour, eggs and...
Three layers of lemon-in the cake, the syrup and the glaze-make this Lemon Poppy Seed Bundt Cake extra lemony! This is easy cake is so dramatic and beautiful...
A family favorite since I was a child, the Company's Coming Cinnamon Roll recipe! Mere minutes is all it takes for a delicious cinnamon roll fresh from...
Every household needs a blooming good chocolate cake in their repertoire, whether it's just for the hell of maintaining your chocolate quota or, of course,...
Salsa Chicken Casserole will take dinner to a whole new level. With a quick stir-fry, this casserole can be on the table in under 30 minutes. Perfect on...
Gluten-Free corn bread muffins sweetened slightly with honey and a hint of molasses. These easy cornbread muffins are delicious, a tad sweet and heartwarming...
These soft, chewy, sweet banana biscuits are a really great little snack. They take just a few minutes to get a batch in the oven and once in to bake,...
These easy bakery style dark chocolate pumpkin muffins are tender and flavorful, and come together in just one bowl - no mixer required - for the perfect...
Looking for a delicious Blueberry Sour Cream Coffee Cake recipe? Wait until you try this recipe. This cake is bursting with flavor, all it takes is one...
Pecan pie french toast casserole takes your standard baked french toast up a notch with a crunchy pecan pie filling topping. Your brunch guests will love...
These chocolate chip chickpea cookies are such a great healthy cookie recipe. They are an easy vegan recipe, loaded with plant-based protein. Nut-free...