This is a rich apple cake served with a warm topping that my grandmother used to make for me. Delicious! This recipe calls for walnuts but pecans are just...
This is a rich apple cake served with a warm topping that my grandmother used to make for me. Delicious! This recipe calls for walnuts but pecans are just...
Tart, firm apples bake to juicy tenderness under a delicious topping, which is a cross between cake and biscuit. This goes really nicely with a custard...
Tart, firm apples bake to juicy tenderness under a delicious topping, which is a cross between cake and biscuit. This goes really nicely with a custard...
This recipe was originated by my aunt about 60 years ago. It can be served for a breakfast treat or for dinner with a scoop of ice cream. It took many...
Our family likes this dessert during the holidays. This dessert can be served hot or cold, and is good topped off with lemon sauce, ice cream, or whipping...
I always look forward to apple season so I can make this delicious, moist cake. The addition of dried cranberries makes it perfect for fall holidays. The...
I always look forward to apple season so I can make this delicious, moist cake. The addition of dried cranberries makes it perfect for fall holidays. The...
Plain sesame halva makes a delicious topping for fruit crumbles or crisps. There is no need for any additional sugar or butter since halva is already sweet...
I make this puff pastry apple recipe with my mom. Its really fun to eat and yummy in the end. You can serve it with powdered sugar. I thought of this recipe...
These are absolutely adorable, pretty easy to make, and the perfect treat to bring to a Halloween party. I brought them to my 2-year-old's school party...
While a good pie crust ought to be a part of every cook's repertoire, sometimes there just isn't the time. But why leave the baking to the grocery stores...
Small half-circle doughy dessert with apple-cinnamon filling. You can fill these with anything if you don't like apple. This is a good base recipe that...
A delicious cake suitable for gift giving. The cake is great fresh, but better when aged. It is best to make around Thanksgiving to be ready for Christmas....
Apples are in a custardy base wrapped in crescent roll dough. This dessert is finished off with a brush of melted butter and generous sprinkling of cinnamon...
Like smooth apple sherbet without the bite, this unique dessert will charm your taste buds! A perfect summer treat. Do not leave out the poppy seeds. Serve...