This is a delicious and easy appetizer. Cream cheese, feta, and fresh herbs. I bring it to almost every get-together, and they are a hit! Use flavored...
A simple salsa that is sweet and just mildly spicy. This is made with watermelon, Anaheim pepper, onion and balsamic vinegar. Hotter chilies can be substituted...
These puff pastry-wrapped olives are our family's favorite holiday appetizer. We make them with a variety of olives - pimento stuffed green, plump kalamata,...
Brie baked in a round sourdough bread bowl makes this ultimately easy! You could substitute a sweet chutney for the topping for even easier prep. I microwaved...
This tart came about as a way to use up some odds-and-ends ingredients that I had been wanting to get used up. Make sure to place a baking sheet under...
This versatile dip adds zesty flavor to any food it's served with. Top with additional sliced almonds and diced roasted red peppers, if desired. Serve...
The traditional Filipino egg roll is small in size, but big on taste. More shrimp can be added to your taste, or omitted altogether. They can also be frozen...
I have seen a lot of recipes for walleye fish, but they all seemed to be breaded and deep-fried or battered and deep-fried or just baked... So I figured...
These are a little like crab cakes, but they're made with fresh salmon and grilled. The secret to juicy (not pasty!) salmon burgers is to chop the salmon...
An El Salvadoran treat, these homemade tortillas stuffed with cheese are great with a traditional coleslaw called curtido. To serve, slice open one side...
There's a Mexican joint Michele and I go to once in a while that serves a complimentary bowl of spicy, fried chickpeas when you sit down to eat. It's a...
This is perfect for a buffet or as a football appetizer menu addition. I make these a couple of days ahead and store them in a glass jar. Even non-mushroom-eaters...
This is such a fresh and light salsa. I made this one day when I needed some extra ingredients and decided to throw some cucumbers in. I now make this...
Creamy, sweet, and slightly tangy dip for fruit--excellent for breakfast, brunch, dessert, or a snack. Serve with fruit of your choice for dipping such...
This all purpose salsa is great on tortilla chips, tacos and other Mexican-style favorites. Roasted jalapeno chile peppers give the salsa an excellent...
After throwing some ingredients together for tapas, the flavor was so fresh and light my family asked for more. By warming it through with a few more ingredients...
A fruity salsa, great with pita chips. One guy I know was gonna pay me to make this for him. I like to let mine sit for at least an hour and give it a...
This is a delicious fluffy orange flavored dip for skewered fruit. It is equally good spooned over cubes of fruit and served as a first course or dessert....
A fresh, easy way to use up your garden tomatoes. Mix and match different varieties of tomatoes for this salsa. It will keep well for several days in the...
I've been trying to recreate coconut shrimp dipping sauce...this is close enough. It's great for dipping shrimp. Amounts are approximate, adjust to suit...
A different version of the commonly seen appetizer of scallops wrapped in bacon. Using prosciutto allows for the subtle flavors of this meat to come through...
A friend of mine makes these for me all the time and they are scrumptious! Make these ahead of time, and pop into the oven 15 minutes before guests arrive....
This dip is creamy and flavorful. It is suitable for a wide range of dipping vegetables, crackers, and plain old potato chips. This is best made the night...
Friends beg me to make this when they come over. Cream cheese, garlic, anchovies, feta cheese and fresh chives are quickly blended and ready to serve in...
This is my husband's spicy and delicious recipe! It's a tradition during football season. Dry crab boil and jalapenos instill the peanuts with a distinctive...