Lentils, mushrooms, and spinach nestle inside a bell pepper for a complete meal. Feel free to use the bell pepper color of your choice. If your peppers...
Although this recipe is for plain seitan to use in other recipes, it also tastes great on it's own. From the Real Food Daily Cookbook by Ann Gentry. The...
If you have a lot of green beans, you can freeze them and make this soup in a flash whenever you feel like eating soup. For more healthy gluten-free, pesco-vegetarian...
This Keralan mango curry is one we'd typically pair with a fish curry and accompany with rice. The recipe calls for coconut vinegar, unripe mangoes, and...
Rice cakes are available sliced, marble-shaped, and in batons. Look for them in the refrigerated aisle of Asian grocery stores. There are dried versions,...
Think of all the activities that your microbes do for you, from releasing vitamins to creating fatty acids and hormones that impact your mood and inflammation....
If you can only find regular coconut milk, buy 2 cans and use the thick cream that's floating at the top. The coconut cream will caramelize during cooking,...