I am a Korean food lover and I have tried many restaurants in Koreatown, NYC. My favourite dish is from Pocha 32. I tried to imitate the taste of it and...
This is a very healthy and incredibly delicious soup! Serve with naan (Indian-style flat bread) and a salad and you'll have a wonderful dinner for a fall...
This 'set it and forget it' recipe is always a big hit at my house. The diced tomatoes and green chilies, fresh basil, fresh mushrooms, and Merlot make...
Days are growing shorter and colder, time to break out the slow cooker and put some of those wonderful fall squash to good use. This stew will make your...
This dish is rich in flavor due to the slow cooking of the oxtail. Oxtail can be cooked to tenderness a day before so you can skim off the fat making the...
Purslane, known as verdolagas, tastes like a cross between spinach and cucumbers. Verdolagas are very common in Mexican kitchens, especially in pork stews....
This is a very easy shrimp etouffe recipe that utilizes your microwave! I usually add four dashes of hot pepper sauce to the dish, but bring the hot stuff...
I was introduced to gumbo by people from Louisiana. They lived in our town for a few years, and taught us Canadians what gumbo is all about....mmmm good...
A slow cooked easy recipe, all ingredients are diced and thrown into the crock pot with no pre-cooking prep work. A hearty tasting stew that is not 'gamey',...
Delicious family recipe I was able to make in my electric pressure cooker! I only have a 3-quart Instant Pot® so if you have a 6-quart plus, you can double...
This lovely Moroccan-inspired Instant Pot® tagine has a wonderful taste and a little kick. The spices combine to present a warm flavor, and the honey...
I always loved fava beans stewed Portuguese style. But there is always something missing from the recipes I have. I adjusted the spices and added some...
Stirring is the most important thing in this masterpiece, otherwise it will curdle. According to experts on fine Maine cookery, the important steps to...
When the weather gets a little colder, this pork stew really hits the spot. Pork shoulder meat is braised in a creme fraiche sauce until amazingly tender...
In Morocco, the family gathers around this communal dish and tears off pieces of bread to scoop up bites of the stew. This recipe is named for the family...
I came up with this recipe because, like many of us, I try to cook healthy. I substituted red meat for chicken breast and regular potatoes for sweet potatoes....
This is a beef stew for the slow cooker that I came up with after quite a bit of trial and error attempting to improve upon other recipes. My husband Diego...
This very filling stew is a delicious way to use up all those leftover veggies in the fridge. Feel free to adjust the amount of green chiles in the stew...
Try this Instant Pot®-friendly variation of a traditional bean stew from the Portuguese region of Azores. This can be served alone, or over rice, and...
More stew than soup, it's a classic New Year's Day meal! I couldn't find a recipe that had everything I liked, so I took 4 different ones and combined...