Simply throw it all together, cover, and walk away. Return to a rich, hearty, dark stew. Serve with heavy, rustic breads and strong cheeses, such as smoked...
Beef cubes and bar-b-que beans combine quickly in this hearty and tasty slow cooked meal. No need to brown the meat makes this extra easy for the working...
This popular dish originated around Monterey Bay, California. This version, created in San Diego, has a southwest flavor. Serve with large bibs, crab shell...
Although this dish takes a while to make, the majority is hands-off cooking time. You can easily prepare these pork and beans on the weekend and reheat...
This is my version of a spicy low-carb chicken stew I created while starting a flat belly cleanse. I don't measure so the measurements are approximate...
I'm from Louisiana so that means this is a true recipe for Crawfish Etouffe. My family loves it when I make this recipe! If you can find crawfish fat use...
This recipe makes me feel good. It's very different. There a number of steps, so you can't just put it on the stove and leave it, but the results make...
Garbanzo beans in a tomato-based sauce with sweet Italian sausage and pasta. Hearty winter comfort food, it can be varied using other types of sausages....
Canned pumpkin makes this colorful, seasonal soup with chorizo a snap. Very good made a few days in advance of serving for flavors to develop! This recipe...
Here is a recipe for a salmon stew with lots of vegetables. This dish is a real hit with young and old. It is easy to prepare and smells wonderful! Serve...
Hungarian deliciousness made gluten free and diabetic- and keto-friendly. I sent directions to my 20-year-old non-cooking son to impress his girlfriend....
This braised oxtail stew is my family's favorite dish. It is hearty and perfect on a cold winter day to enjoy with family and friends. You are guaranteed...
This is what I have tried as an imitation of a 'Moroccan stew' I had at a vegan restaurant many years ago. I used to work down the street and had this...
Incredibly tender lamb casserole in the slow cooker, this might be the most undemanding Easter meal you could possibly cook. More time left for baking...
I learned how to make this when I dated a Belizean man for about a year. He is long gone, but I still make his stew and I love it! This is a very healthy...
Does every recipe have to be beautiful? Does every food star have to be good-looking? I don't think so! Not everything has to be pretty as long as it's...
You can make this dish in the slow cooker or simmer on stove. Hearty, inexpensive and easy! Serve with rice or have plenty of bread on hand to soak up...
Savory and hearty. Perfect for seafood lovers. You don't necessarily have to use the seafood I chose to use. I recommend using seafood that is fresh to...