I thought I'd give an Asian twist to this 'salmon en papillote' dish as I am sure there are plenty of variations out there. Feel free to experiment and...
This Asian-inspired seasoned spinach recipe is easy to make, and great as a stand-alone side or as part of another dish. This recipe goes well with Bibimbop...
I couldn't find a good scallop and spinach salad recipe, so I googled around and this one came up. It's from a diabetic recipe site. We sautéed the scallops...
My favourite Italian dishes usually contain olives and sun-dried tomatoes - this is no exception. Use store-bought gnocchi for a quick weeknight feed or...
This stunning bread gets its branch-like form by taking a shaping cue from the classic French baguette bread, Pain d'Epi (a.k.a. wheat stalk bread). Use...
Use hot or sweet Italian sausages, or mix them up. This recipe uses the smaller Cubanelle or Italian frying peppers rather than bell peppers. They are...
From Lean and Luscious by Bobbie Hinman and Millie Snyder. I started making this recipe years ago in college and it's still one of my favorites. Baking...
A friend brought this salad for my family when my daughter was sick. I added the blue cheese and chives because they sounded good. It's now my favorite...
By baking the eggs and toppings in a jelly roll pan, you can then roll it all up into a tight spiral, slice it into portions, and share. It's very easy,...
Yummy dressing on a yummy salad. Adapted slightly from a recipe found in the Taste of Home Cookbook, originally submitted by Gail Sykora. Can also be topped...
From the King's Bakery Hawaiian Sweet Bread package - this sounds good. Haven't tried it myself, but posting for safe keeping. For our family, I would...
From Hungry Girl: "Skinny Dippin'! No need to order a super-fatty version of this at a restaurant. Our Crazy-Creamy Spinach Artichoke Dip is GREAT, hot...
This stuff is good! It is easy because you use a crockpot. We use it to dip nachos in and it is awesome! I can eat all of it! It is also a side dish too....
Soba + tahini + avocado? Enough said. This full- meal noodle salad is one of my favorite ways to fill up on good carbs, healthy fats, and plenty of nutrient-rich...
If you love sweet and salty paired in one dish, then this nourishing salad is for you. To take this dish on the road, pack the berries and the dressing...
From Good Food Magazine March 1988. This is a fancy, jazzed-up lasagne, perfect for a holiday, dinner party or guests. Serve with some nice crusty Italian...
This is a yummy side dish and if you use fat free or low fat ingredients, it doesn't have to destroy your diet yet it still tastes good!. I call it damage...
This is a different take on the usual spinach roll up appetizer. Very tasty. NOTE: Should your yogurt be loose or runny, drain for a couple of hours in...
I was craving for quiche, but wanted to make it healthier and easier (less dishes to wash). So, I ended up cooking everything in the frying pan, and skipped...