This vegetarian pho soup recipe is a great spin on the traditional meat based pho. We are adding lots of depth and flavor and spicy notes. Don't skip the...
Creamy and a little spicy, too! A yummy spin on a classic comfort food favorite. Add a little oven-roasted garlic to your favorite homemade soup for an...
This cool, light and subtle soup is incredibly easy and quick to make. However it does need some fresh summer cucumbers in season for the best flavour...
Pioneer Woman's ham and bean soup is hearty and flavorful with plenty of vegetables, navy beans, and ham. It is perfect to have on cooler days or if you...
Slow Cooker Greek Lemon Chicken Soup is creamy, delicious and bursting with fresh lemon flavor! It's the easiest way to make avgolemono soup and it's...
Provençal Vegetable Soup is characterized by the basil-pesto topping, which adds a burst of herbal flavor to your bowl. I've added some chicken to give...
Grandma knew what she was doing when she made this beef stroganoff recipe. The sauce is tangy and savory. Slow cooking the beef in the sauce makes it super...
Your family will love this easy lentil soup so much, they'll be asking for a second serving! At home, my husband loves soups, and this lentil soup is one...
This Crock Pot Beef and Three Bean Chili is a hearty, make ahead chili recipe that's loaded with vegetables, browned beef and so much flavor from all the...
Ash Reshteh is a classic Persian noodle soup with beans and herbs that is intensely aromatic, amazingly delicious, nutrient rich and a wholesome meal by...
Mexican Sopa de Fideo is one of the most traditional soup in Mexico and is usually part of the mid-day meal in Mexican homes and in small restaurants called...
I got this cherished recipe from my ex-mother-in-law who is a fantastic cook! This recipe came across the prairie with her Danish Mormon ancestors. I drop...
Zucchini Soup recipe allows you to be creative in your cooking; you can add heavy cream if you want, corn kernels for garnish, or diced Mexican fresh cheese....
This is such a lovely soup. The sweetness of the parsnips is sharpened by the presence of the apple, and the subtle flavour of the spices comes through...
This is an easy and forgiving recipe, so you can play around with it a lot. There are many variations all over Mexico: some with cream or milk, others...
Growing up in Maryland I was always around seafood. Taught by my grandma, who was a wonderful cook in her own right! It was not till later in my life that...
Pumpkin soup with coconut milk is a comforting homemade soup. This vegan pumpkin soup is perfect to have during the winter season. This soup made with...
Tuscan Chicken and White Bean Soup - Tuscan chicken and bean soup is a delicious, hearty one pot meal. It's easy to make from scratch, but if you're...
Learn how to make this wild rice soup with ham, a wonderful recipe to make on chilly days or any time you feel like making a comforting meal for you and...