This combination of rich smoky ham, tangy mustard, melty cheese, and ripe tomato is perfect for a lavish breakfast with a fried egg or served with a bowl...
Food editor Gina Marie Miraglia Eriquez often cooks for hordes of children, including her three-year-old son, Alex, and she knows that meatballs are always...
An easy vegetarian Mediterranean Sandwich with a bit of a kick! Hearty bread is piled with fresh basil pesto, lots of veggies, and creamy feta cheese....
This two-in-one indulgence has the irresistible makings of a Cuban sandwich, including Swiss cheese, pickles, and sliced meats-but its also dipped in...
This bread machine cinnamon raisin bread recipe creates a delicious homemade bread that is perfect for breakfast. Spread on your favorite topping (i.e....
Portobello Tuna Melts are a healthier version of the old-school tuna melts you may know. This healthy tuna recipe features a no-mayo tuna salad and a portobello...
Most people have heard of a torta-one of the traditional sandwiches of Mexico-but the cemita is its own unique breed of Mexican sandwich, wildly popular...
Delicious on its own, this thoroughly modern meatloaf takes on a terrine-like texture when chilled overnight, just right for deluxe open-face sandwiches...
This quick, easy, and delicious recipe features a seared whole piece of tuna loin that's seared on a grill and then cut into slices and slid into brioche...
This bread machine rolls recipe is very easy to make. It allows you to create delicious buttery rolls that contain a hint of rosemary. They can used as...