These puffed little squares of pancake, based on Austria's Kaiserschmarrn, are delicious with a quick fruit sauce: Thin your favorite jam with a little...
Roll up your morning meal with something other than tortillas and try these scrumptious Breakfast Pancake Wraps. Roll together eggs, cheese and salsa in...
Making pancakes from scratch is so simple and these cherry vanilla pancakes will be delicious to wake up to. We love the presentation with the fruit topping...
These pancakes are thick and puffy, as opposed to the thinner crepe-like blini that are served in so many Russian kitchens. Oladi are typically served...
Fluffy almond flour pancakes made with just 5 core ingredients: almond flour, coconut or almond milk, eggs, oil and vanilla extract. These keto almond...
Delicious protein pancakes made in a blender with ingredients like potassium rich banana, protein-packed cottage cheese and oats! Nearly 20g protein per...
My Norwegian grandmother made this for us as a treat, and it continues to be a favorite my mother makes for my kids. Very easy and versatile. Serve rolled...
This was passed down to me from my Grandmother. It is so good you won't ever and I mean never eat store bought syrup again ! I have also listed The Waffle...
I made this satisfying, yet not too sweet treat for a friend in the hospital...She loves anything apple...I had a couple Granny Smith apples and some Plum...
We had my reservations about using whole wheat flour, but these pancakes turned out wonderfully! They have a great whole grain texture - not tough at all...
My Great Grandmother Sullivan made these for my grandfather Frank "Barney" Sullivan who asked his mother for the recipe to give to his bride Mabel Kennedy...
While camping, we wanted a coffee cake, but only had pancake mix. I used Trader Joe's multigrain baking mix, but you can use any kind of pancake or baking...
My husband had asked me to make Blueberry pancakes for him on Sunday. I also made a SUGAR FREE Blueberry Compote TO MAKE THEM EXTRA SPECIAL. This recipe...
These are irresistible, crispy edges potato pancakes make the traditional way, with a dollop of sour cream and applesauce. Nearly any apple will work for...
These are one of the BIGGEST hits on the weekend in our house. Super simple to make with a little patience as angel food handles more delicately than regular...
This is a real old recipe from when people did not have refrigeration and the milk would turn sour. Instead of throwing out the milk, they found a use...
Welsh crempog (also known as Ffroes) differ from the British/French crepe. More like the American pancake and bigger than the Scotch pancake, crempog can...
This is my go-to recipe for chocolate chip pancakes. The pancakes come out super fluffy and the whole family loves them. Add as many chocolate chips as...
A gluten free Dutch baby, also called a German pancake, is a large, fluffy pancake with crisp edges. Make the simple batter in your blender, then bake...
This recipe is from friend who got it from the internet and says that you can't have these pancakes without the Special sauce to top them. (Don't tell...
This fluffy deliciousness is a perfect way to start your day! These pancakes are so full of flavor that they've been known to not even need syrup! A tried...
Here's another old recipe from my husband's Swedish grandmother. These pancakes are nice and thin, much like a crepe. Once you make up the batter, you...
Make fluffy healthy apple pancakes filled with wholesome ingredients for breakfast! It takes 5 minutes to get this easy apple pancake recipe on the stove....
I use an electric griddle set on 375°. I do not grease it because there is vegetable oil in the batter. For Apple Pancakes add 2 cups grated unpeeled...
Latkes from grated potatoes are traditional and crispy. But I like this baked potato version because the flavor of the potatoes shines through, punched...
You'll find yourself creating reasons you need to start the day with this pancake recipe. They are tender and just the right amount of chocolate chips....
These fella's are so light and beyond flavorful! What else can I say? Just darn good! You will never use pancake mix ever again. Kick it up a notch and...
No one is sure how the Danes invented their delicious round pancake, but there is a bit of folklore that goes something like this. A long time ago when...
These are lighter than your average pancake and are impossibly easy to whip up on Saturday morning...or any morning.From Pioneer Woman. She has such great...
You can have these quick and easy Chinese Scallion Pancakes cooking on the stove top within five minutes. Inspired by the method to make Western-style...