This oven-roasted recipe for Baingan Bharta (Indian eggplant) is a nourishing dish of mashed eggplant, simmered stovetop in a thick tomato-pepper sauce....
I love pasta. I love anything cooked with white sauce and cheese. I also love seafood. So guess what the best combination for me is? Baked seafood pasta,...
Adapted from the "There is a reason why Doro Wat is the national dish of Ethiopia and one of the most famous of all African dishes -...
My Oven Fried Chicken is a KFC Copycat, is BAKED not fried, and has a fantastic flavor and crunch. What more could you ask for in "fried chicken" without...
A delicious recipe for Pan-Roasted Chicken with Grapes. Chicken thighs are pan-seared in a skillet, then baked in the oven with grapes and shallots. A...
Grilled Steak Tacos with Chimichurri Sauce, Pico de Gallo, Pickled veggies -flavorful and delicious, perfect for outdoor gatherings and barbecues. With...
These bacon wrapped scallops are jumbo scallops coated in a sweet and savory glaze, then broiled to perfection. A simple yet elegant appetizer or main...
Author: Sara Welch
These Tacos in a Bag, also known as "walking tacos, " are a fun and easy way to get your taco fix. It's the perfect meal for birthday parties, camping,...
Spicy Chicken Tacos are an easy chicken taco recipe filled with simple and clean ingredients. It takes less than 30 minutes to make and pleases the whole...
This recipe for Grilled Jamaican Jerk Pork Chops is easy and packed with authentic flavor. If you want to introduce some caribbean flavors to your next...
Flour, salt, water and yeast - what do these simple ingredients have in common? They come together to create the perfect foundation for any good Italian...
This vegan chicken fried steak is an authentic american recipe made with seitan as the protein and creamy county gravy. This American classic fried food...
Slow Cooker Cuban Mojo Pork made with citrus, garlic, oregano and cumin takes almost no prep time and makes a fantastic, flavorful meal your family will...
Khichdi recipe made with rice, moong dal (lentils) and spices, is a super comforting one pot protein-rich Indian meal. It's delicious, nourishing and wholesome....
Pioneer Woman's Chicken Dorito Casserole is a savory, flavorful dish layered with crunchy chips, chicken, and cheese that your kids will love just as much...
This low carb Asian inspired hoisin chicken stir fry contains a combination of wheat and zucchini noodles and comes together in minutes. It is a healthy...
This nutritious vegan Butternut Squash Chili is packed with flavor and filled to the brim with good-for-you ingredients including loads of veggies, soft...
Easy Vegetarian Fajitas has quickly become one of our favorite meals! This tasty fajita recipe is tender portobello mushrooms cooked with plenty of fresh...
Camarones a la Diabla (also known as diablo shrimp) are juicy, large shrimp covered in a bright red chile pepper sauce that are ready to eat in 30 minutes!...
This Lemon Basil Orzo with Chicken is quick, easy, and absolutely scrumptious. It's the ultimate spring-summer dinner; light yet incredibly tasty. It's...
Beef Enchilada Casserole is layers of seasoned ground beef, cheese, enchilada sauce, and soft flour tortillas baked until everything is hot and bubbly....
A lot of hunters complain that they use up all their roasts and steaks too quickly and then get stuck with a mountain of ground meat. When I hear this,...