Gail Gladding-Pullara of Oregon, Wisconsin, won honorable mention in our 2012 Best of the Midwest Recipe Contest for this simple, crowd-pleasing soup....
This Easy Tortilla Soup Recipe is a warm, hearty, and healthy meal. It is full of rich Mexican flavors and textures. Add on your toppings of choice to...
This easy meat-free curry is full of flavour and makes a great mid-week meal. Serve this curry with brown rice plus some mango chutney but you could also...
Chocolate and coffee pair well, as this one-pan treat demonstrates in this cookie recipe. It's flavored with instant espresso powder, coffee liqueur, and...
Flax seed egg substitute mostly works in recipes which does not require a light/fluffy texture. I personally use flax egg replacement in recipes in which...
Summer rolls are sometimes mis-called spring rolls. They are similar, but with one key difference. Spring rolls are often wrapped in a dough like paper...
4-ingredient blueberry compote elegantly tops your favorite breakfast waffles or pancakes. Make the compote a day or two ahead of time and refrigerate...
This rich, chocolate-y pie's flavor really depends on ripe, flavorful pears. (In other words, if they're still rock-hard, don't bother.) For a topping...
This low-fat Tex-Mex recipe calls for bottled picante sauce, which is a less chunky salsa. For a twist, substitute salsa verde, a green salsa made with...
This dense, chewy calorie-packed bar has its roots in Minnesota's Boundary Waters, where trappers and paddlers tote the bars in their canoes. For a boost...
This crowd-pleaser takes only 15 minutes of prep time. Purchased frozen meatballs and condensed soup make this recipe a snap. Serve with a tossed salad...
Nutmeg, allspice, ginger, and naturally sugary Vidalia onion and sweet potato mingle to evoke pumpkin pie. The soup (which is served at La Soupe in Cincinnati)...
The sweet tang of this rosy dressing pairs nicely with nuts, cheese, avocado or grilled chicken breast in a mixed green salad. A full 2 cups of strawberries...