Tired of spending ten dollars or more for a simple Seared Ahi Tuna Appetizer and over thirty dollars for a Seared Ahi Tuna dinner? Well, now you can go...
A delicious fish with a summery flavor! Preparation Time: 25 minutes. This recipe is from The WEBB Cooks, articles and recipes by Robyn Webb, courtesy...
A tangy, easy recipe for almost any firm-fleshed fish fillets: red snapper, sea bass, grouper. Adaptable for sole, flounder, tilapia, and other thin fillets...
This is a simple, less rich, but very tasty recipe for tuna melts. It's the only tuna melt I make and my husband is a convert from the traditional kind...
Yellowfin tuna is always delicious when grilled. This is great at a tailgate party, or at your Saturday afternoon summer barbecue. You can add a little...
Simple, easy fish recipe. Any white fish will do! And even the kids will eat up the spinach! (My four year old loves this dish!) This recipe was passed...
Flavorful recipe for this farm-raised fish that is easy and done in minutes! The fish is broiled with a creamy cheese coating for an impressive flavor...
Cod is pan-fried, covered with a savory potato crust, and baked in the oven. You can use any type of white fish fillet for this recipe, no need to buy...
Cooking fish in foil is a fun, fast, kid-friendly way to get the kids to eat fish and veggies, adapted from Weight Watchers 5-Ingredient 15-Minute Recipes,...
This was a favorite in my home growing up and now it's a favorite of my family as well. I double the recipe these days for my husband and three children....
This is a savory treat, and as a bonus it's low carb. This dip goes great with Mary's Gone Crackers®. You can also dip celery or pork rinds, or freeze...
An Italian classic. Sweet, salty, and spicy flavors combine in this unique and tasty pasta and broccoli dish. This dish benefits from being richly coated...
Planked salmon is a method of cooking and smoking salmon that has been used for many years. Make sure to use natural (no preservatives) red cedar. The...
I created this recipe by combining a very light and tasty fish with an egg and crumb coating, adapted from the way that I used to fry the fish I caught...
A deliciously light and flavorful dish full of sweet lemon flavor that is grounded by the savory flavor of garlic and herb seasonings. Perfect for a hot...
Finnan haddie is a Scottish dish with smoked haddock. This is a simple, old family recipe that comes from the Maritimes - Canada. We always called this...
I love perch. I love everything about them--the sweet, delicate flavor, the striking coloration, and the stubborn fight they put up for their size. The...
This is a great last-minute dinner. I can pick up the salmon on the way home, and I've usually got some herbs in the garden, and the rest of the ingredients...
This is a wonderful, quick, and tasty supper that is always a hit when we serve it. You can always prepare the casserole the night before, pop it into...
This recipe is great either on the grill or in the oven broiler. The tomatoes give it a little bite. My entire family loves it, even my pickiest eater....