This delicious frozen coffee drink is an easy copycat Chick-fil-A recipe that your whole family will love! Make this yummy frosted coffee in minutes to...
It's five o'clock on a summer Friday. This is the drink for that. Serve it with a bowl of potato chips (Utz, please) and another little bowl of extra olives...
The BEST detox beet juice recipe! This healthy and easy homemade beet juice is made quickly with ingredients that detox for a body cleanse, to help with...
Tia Maria cocktails are a rich and creamy after-dinner drink that are easy to prepare and can be made in advance. This drinkable dessert that everyone...
Recipes for this venerable Tiki classic vary enormously and are often confused with the Aku Aku which this drink morphed into at the hands of its creator,...
A "buck" is a traditional type of drink containing a spirit, lemon or lime juice, and ginger ale. Julie Reiner, the owner-mixologist of New York's Clover...
Add a swig of booze to your coffee to make Amaretto Coffee! This spiked hot drink is part cocktail, part dessert: and you won't be able to stop sipping...
A homemade version of the Applebee's White Peach Sangria recipe with fresh fruit, peach schnapps, and white zinfandel. For a truly authentic refreshment...
Our aromatic, zesty lime and basil juice couldn't be easier to make - you can whip up this refreshing drink in minutes. Get your greens and a dash of elderflower...