This onion dip is a hit with all of my friends. Sometimes I throw in some fresh herbs from the garden too. They can't believe it isn't made with sour cream...
Deceptively simple recipe for Lebanese-style whipped garlic. Intense and delicious, with an infinite number of applications -- it's lovely spread on plain...
Delicious dip to serve as an appetizer with pita bread or tortillas, or as a brunch meal! All you need is an eggplant, a tomato, garlic, and a couple of...
A quick and easy hot dip that's guaranteed to be a hit! I have never seen this recipe anywhere else. I got it when I was in college and it was years before...
Duck Butter Dip This is a recipe I got from a restaurant from the owner/chef. It can be used with crusty bread, crackers, melba toast, or whatever you...
Duck Butter Dip This is a recipe I got from a restaurant from the owner/chef. It can be used with crusty bread, crackers, melba toast, or whatever you...
A traditional recipe for this eggplant dip. It consists of baked eggplant with garlic, lemon juice, and tahini sauce. Dip into this with pita bread and...
Duck Butter Dip This is a recipe I got from a restaurant from the owner/chef. It can be used with crusty bread, crackers, melba toast, or whatever you...
This decadent dessert fondue is incredibly rich and will satisfy both a sweet and salty craving. Serve with sliced bananas, apples, pound cake, angel food...
Look for the yellowest tomatoes and the brightest yellow squash for this soup-inspired dip. As the dip rests, it may give off liquid, which can be drained...
Otherwise known as 'Goop,' this chip dip is the most delectable dip you'll ever taste! It was created by my late aunt. Folks can't seem to get enough of...
This is a unique green dip. The dip can be prepared well in advance and stores well. It is especially good with carrots. Cooking the avocado and adding...
I've been trying to recreate coconut shrimp dipping sauce...this is close enough. It's great for dipping shrimp. Amounts are approximate, adjust to suit...
An easy-to-put-together dessert dip that is perfect for a Halloween party or fun snack. The pretzels look like broomsticks after they've been dunked into...
A gentle blend of honey, onions and mustard that goes great with chicken as a dip, BBQ sauce or as a sandwich spread. Easy enough to be prepared while...
Duck rillettes is one of the most amazing culinary magic tricks of all time. Even though most of the spread is made up of fairly lean duck meat, by emulsifying...
Try this basic, simple, and easy cashew-based homemade plain cream cheese. Totally vegan, paleo, and dairy-free friendly, and there's no cooking involved....
My husband, Trac, makes this terrific dip. He adds spices and a bit of sugar to take the bite out of the dip. He samples with corn chips until it's just...
This Greek yogurt ranch dip is super quick and easy and low-fat or fat-free. Tailor it to your needs by choosing your favorite plain yogurt and dressing...
An extraordinary dip for an ordinary pretzel. The perfect combination. This is a clone of our favorite raspberry honey/mustard pretzel dip. When the store...
An extraordinary dip for an ordinary pretzel. The perfect combination. This is a clone of our favorite raspberry honey/mustard pretzel dip. When the store...
Duck Butter Dip This is a recipe I got from a restaurant from the owner/chef. It can be used with crusty bread, crackers, melba toast, or whatever you...
This recipe mom give to me years ago and it became tradition in our family to serve on New Year's Eve. Salt and pepper may be added if desired. There's...
This onion dip is a hit with all of my friends. Sometimes I throw in some fresh herbs from the garden too. They can't believe it isn't made with sour cream...
This onion dip is a hit with all of my friends. Sometimes I throw in some fresh herbs from the garden too. They can't believe it isn't made with sour cream...
This simple sweet and sour sauce is delicious with egg rolls, spring rolls and other Asian-inspired delicacies. The pineapple tidbits may be omitted. Alter...
This onion dip is a hit with all of my friends. Sometimes I throw in some fresh herbs from the garden too. They can't believe it isn't made with sour cream...
This onion dip is a hit with all of my friends. Sometimes I throw in some fresh herbs from the garden too. They can't believe it isn't made with sour cream...
This onion dip is a hit with all of my friends. Sometimes I throw in some fresh herbs from the garden too. They can't believe it isn't made with sour cream...
Chocolate lover's favorite chocolate dip that can be served as a topping for truffles, ice cream, marshmallows, or other desserts. Tastes best with pancakes...
This is an olive dip that makes for a great appetizer or to serve as a topping on meat. Cut little baguettes into small rounds for dipping. You can use...
This very classic Ashkenazi haroseth, which is a ceremonial part of the Passover Seder, is made from diced apple, toasted walnuts, a touch of cinnamon...