This is the best apple crisp i have ever tasted! The crisp part tastes like a shortbread cookie! Its a recipe from the food network show Barefoot Contessa....
This recipe was passed along to me a number years ago when I made mention I was looking for new recipes to add to my collection for Christmas baking. This...
This creamy banana dessert is our very favorite version, piled high with layers of just-ripe bananas, rich vanilla pudding and tender cookies. We used...
My great-grandmother Pearl was famous for her angel food cake. She would enter baking contests with this recipe and always took home the blue ribbon. Among...
This recipe produces a high-rising cake that is moist and delicious with or without added embellishments such as whipped cream, lemon sauce, ice cream...
While this pie is a favorite in Washington state, it is also a classic across the country. The cut-out crusts update the look of the old standard, but...
Was in a paper cutting my aunt gave me from an USA newspaper back in the 80's.. I have adapted it over the years to be yummier :) It is a very large cake...
This fluffy pumpkin cake comes together easily and makes the most delightful low-key afternoon snack or dessert when cut into bars. The pumpkin puree keeps...
Crisp gingerbread cookies have their place, of course, but sometimes, you want to soften them up a little bit, don't you? These tender cookies are the...
The Epicurious test kitchen baked up the most popular versions of banana bread on our site to discover what we like (or didn't like) about each one. Then...
This will harden and it will hardens quite quickly, it's the perfect icing to decorate cookies, if desired you may omit the vanilla, I like to add it in,...
A New England phenomenon that's becoming popular everywhere, the famous "pies" are really more like soft cakes with a creamy filling. Use Betty Crockerâ„¢...
Alton Brown's recipe for two-ingredient chocolate Ganache Frosting from Food Network is decadent yet easy and the perfect topping to cakes, cupcakes and...
This recipe is from my sister in-law. They are sooo moist and sinfully good! They are simply the BEST I have ever had. Number of serving depends on how...