This is the easiest fudge ever. Every time I make it I get so many compliments on how great it is. This is the easiest peanut butter fudge ever, and it...
A variation of the classic cream cheese pound cake with mocha flavoring and chips of dark chocolate floating throughout the cake. Serves a crowd and always...
I got this recipe from a family member and it has been a favorite since. It is so simple to make, but is definitely a crowd-pleaser! With the majority...
These truffles are made with edible cookie dough, so they don't contain eggs and are safe to eat! They are delicious and fairly easy to make! Keep them...
My Dad made this recipe up one evening to surprise my Mom. They are huge fans of dark chocolate. Add any extra little add-ins that you want! (e.g. coffee...
Moist pink cake is sandwiched between smooth layers of real cream and a thin layer of rich frosting seals the deal. Little splashes of champagne help give...
As a poor starving college student, this recipe is one of my favorites. It is quick, cheap, and 1-portion size. I actually make about 6 servings of the...
This mousse served in shot glasses is perfect for when you're craving something sweet but just want a small portion. You can enjoy them as soon as you...
I had a lot of chocolate chip cookies left over after Christmas, so I made this cake using the idea of a graham cracker cake. Putting everything into a...
Whipped this up for a birthday present and it was too excellent not to share! This is an excellent treat for your next holiday party or backyard barbecue!...
Grandma Hagerson's recipe for chocolate pudding cake. The water poured over the top at the end blends in with the other ingredients and settles on the...
This recipe is by far the best white chocolate chip cupcake recipe I've ever made. It's enough white chocolate to notice without being overpowering. I...
An accident after experimenting with a couple of red velvet recipes evolved into an amaretto and cocoa delight. A mini Bundt® cake full of flavor, yet...
Some people call this Rocky Road candy, but our grandma called it Heavenly Hash. Grandma or mom almost always made it for us around Christmas time. Grandma...
This fudge is by far the easiest and tastiest I have ever made. Perfect texture and very versatile. Store in a cool, dry place. Wrap in foil or waxed paper,...
If you like German chocolate cake you will love this! It's an amazing cake using white chocolate to replace German chocolate. Amazingly moist! I made it...
It's similar to chocolate lasagna, but with puff pastry. If you have the time, it's quite the masterpiece. Don't worry, puff pastry isn't that hard to...
Find yourself a nice decorative box to put these in. It doesn't hurt if it has the word 'love' on it. And then you present these as your gift for Valentine's...
Delicious chocolaty, cool dessert that's great for summer gatherings, but is a hit any time of the year. Only downside: never any leftovers! Any pudding...
Light, crispy, and sure to satisfy your chocolate cravings. Great when you're wanting something a little different! These are best served warm, but can...
Dark, rich, and creamy souffle-like recipe. Serve warm with vanilla ice cream. This is a modified brownie recipe, reducing the flour and egg amounts, creaming...
S'mores indoors have all the flavors and textures of fire-roasted s'mores but can be prepared indoors any time of the year! Kids and adults are going to...