This is a great recipe for a quick four ingredient chili for those cold nights when the kids have hockey or any sport and you have to run around! Of course,...
The pumpkin is a great surprise in this chili! It makes the whole house smell good and tastes great! Garnish with cheese and jalapenos if desired. This...
There is a vast difference between the chili you cook and serve on its own and the chili that you slap on a chili dog. The texture and taste have to compliment...
This recipe features 12 different kinds of peppers, including 10 varieties of hot peppers. It's mad, wicked good, but not for the faint of heart. It's...
This is a quick and easy way to make a great standard, white chicken chili. Kids and adults love it topped with chips, sour cream, and cheese. Top with...
When I cook, I usually just throw stuff together and there it is. I got so many requests for this chili recipe, I had to write it down to be able to share...
An easy chili that's sure to please. I've made this for a Halloween party and a chili cook-off at work with great results! It's a great base with lots...
This chili won a local soup contest and it very popular with children. The use of rotisserie chicken adds a lot of flavor. Garnish with a dollop of extra...
This is a favorite of ours for Halloween. Pop it in the slow cooker before work and dinner for the crew is ready in time for Trick or Treat! Serve with...
Beef chili soup, packed with flavor is delicious over rice and topped with cheese or sour cream. Great for company, camping, and freezing. Serve soup over...
White chicken chili using dry great northern beans cooked in a multi-functional pressure cooker. You can make this ahead of time using the pressure-cook...
A delicious low-fat chili with a kick! We make it every year for our Halloween block party. You can adjust any of the flavors to your liking and it always...
This is my personal recipe, and it has won over 12 chili cook-offs, and I figured I'd share. It is a medium steak and bean chili. If I had to compare it,...
A spicy chili if you want it to be, depending on how much chili and curry powder you add. Not your typical chili. Best if left to cool and then reheated....
Chocolate and lamb in chili? Of Course!!! This is a wonderful chili recipe, concocted by my son Bryan. We use Icelandic lamb because it is really lean....
A fantastic chili that builds up in heat as you eat. Perfect for football. I won a chili cook off with this recipe. I make it in this size batch so I can...
All I can say is yummm! This is a different take on chili (with no beans) that I found absolutely delicious! Hope you enjoy it as much as I do! Enjoy with...
I looked at a bunch of vegan chili recipes trying to find one that I really liked. This recipe is a remix/modification of a great recipe. I could probably...
Serve chili over spaghetti and top with chopped onion, finely shredded Cheddar cheese, kidney beans, and Tabasco® sauce. I used to love Skyline Cincinnati-style...
This chili requires minimal ingredients and no beans! It packs a full flavor profile and isn't too spicy. To preserve the integrity of the spices, do not...
After years of adjustments I have found a recipe for all to enjoy. Previous ones were either too hot or too mild, this one even was to the liking of my...
This has Morning Star Farms® Meal Starters, salsa, corn, great Northern beans, and jalapeno pepper Cheddar cheese. Puree one of the can of beans to thicken....
This chili is so easy to make and is so good! Trust me. To make a double batch, double everything except the meat and onion. Use 1 can each of pinto and...
My family loves this recipe. Kid-friendly, great for sleepover nights. The key is to chop all veggies big so the flavors get incorporated but they're able...
Quick and easy with little fuss. I used to spend a lot of time simmering and seasoning and this tastes the same! Serve with shredded cheddar on top and...
Delicious white bean chili. Cha Cha says: 'It's kinda spicy, so watch out!' Substitute mild green chiles for the jalapenos if you're scared! Use more chicken...
People who have tasted this thick mix of beans, spices and chicken say: 'So good it'll make you perky and stupid!' I've placed in my workplace's annual...
This chili earned its blue ribbon at a chili cook-off three years in a row! It is a mild, sweet chili, but it could always be spiced up with a little hot...