Incredibly simple yet outrageously tasty; sour cream makes them super moist and tender. Reminiscent of the original Kentucky Fried Chicken® biscuits,...
Easy biscuits made with sourdough starter. The dough is very easy to use and between waxed paper, does not get too dry or too full of flour. You may put...
An acquaintance once made these biscuits as a "copycat" for the recipe used by a popular seafood chain. My friends enjoyed them when I made them recently....
These are the quickest biscuits you will ever make! Your dough will be ready to pour by the time your oven is preheated. This is not your perfect look...
After a trip to the Bahamas, my mom came home with a recipe for something call Johnny Cake which is completely unlike U.S. Johnny Cake (usually a version...
These are the easiest,best tasting biscuits i have ever made. My family begs me to make them! They taste like the biscuits Popeyes made when they use to...
I'm a Southern girl and these are the ultimate buttermilk biscuits. They're easy to make and, the best part is, you put the dough in the fridge the night...
A healthy, fast, and tasty way to use up leftover Bisquick® mix --- which is just what I did upon returning from a canoe/camping trip from which we were...
I made these with baked potato soup and loved it. Great addition! I gave them to a friend and he said they tasted just like the ones at Red Lobster®....
The title of this recipe has nothing to do with Denver, Colorado...I've never even been there! But they rise up so high we just couldn't call them anything...
Linda is right, these biscuits are so easy to make and rise in the oven to make a perfectly fluffy and flaky biscuit. The gravy is super easy and tasty...
Soda water biscuits have a moist, yet more crumbly texture than regular biscuits. The butter on the bottom or top of the biscuits can be added more sparingly...
This biscuit dough is similar to puff pastry but uses a much less fussy procedure. It works great for fruit tarts, ham and cheese turnovers, and chocolate...
My grandmother made these delicious Tea Biscuits at least twice a week. Although Wal Mart sells a frozen tea biscuit which is very similar in taste, Meme's...
I use to stand at the work table where my Grandma would work all her magic.. She made all her doughs in this big wooden bowl. One day I ask why she didn't...
The kids were hinting for me to make some biscuits...I hadn't made this particular recipe in years, but remembered how tender and flaky they were...and...
Everytime we go to Red Lobster and we get Red Lobster Biscuits and they are real delicious and garlic and tasty. We love it. I am so glad that I found...
My Great-Grandmother Kennedy use to make these biscuits and passed the recipe down, it became modernized with the use of an indoor oven. My Grandmother...
These biscuits are delicious, so light and fluffy! Enjoy them with your favorite fillings such as butter, jams, meats, apple butter, gravy, etc. Your family...
We like to eat breakfast for dinner sometimes so I made these kickin' little biscuits to go along with the meal. Everyone loved them and they got eaten...
Sweet or savory, these homemade biscuits are a delight! It's a basic old-fashioned biscuit. They are nice and fluffy thanks to the baking soda. Baked until...
These are traditional hand-formed South Georgia biscuits as made by my family for generations. Unlike most recipes, these biscuits are formed entirely...