Try this easy method of roasting asparagus in your oven in a paper bag--olive oil, salt, pepper, and a little lemon are all you need for this fresh tasting...
This is a recipe that I came up with on the spur of the moment. My family, especially my 2 year old, loved it! Very kid-friendly. Garnish with a dollop...
A quick and easy way to prepare asparagus - just bake it in the oven with some balsamic vinegar, olive oil, and salt. Bake time varies depending on the...
This is an amazingly cheese-rich dish. I love making this to take to friends' homes as a drop off meal. It gets rave reviews every time! The recipe is...
This is based on Joan MacKinnon's really great 'Spiced Pork Chop' recipe, modified based on numerous reviews from others and trial and error. This is my...
This side dish comes together quickly making it perfect for a weeknight but also fancy enough to serve to guests with a holiday meal. The smoked gouda...
Went looking for something to marinate my pork chops in and came up short. Went back to Mom's old standby that we all love. Enjoy! My brother prefers pineapple/orange...
Turn every day ingredients into something special! The chicken does not need to be marinated because this recipe makes a wonderful sauce, but if you do...
INGREDIENTS 1/4 cup butter 3/4 cup sugar 2 medium very ripe, soft mangos, peeled and pitted (1 1/2 mangos pureed and 1/2 mango diced, or 1 cup mango puree...
I was playing around in my kitchen one day and discovered two lonely apples in my refrigerator. I hate having food go to waste, so I decided to use them...
Are you sick 'n' tired of dried-out, tough pork chops? I was until I came up with this recipe. The trick to cooking meat and poultry is to know your internal...
This recipe was an accident. I was experimenting with flavors and wasn't expecting much out of it, but the apple cider addition yielded some of the best...
A pork chop flavored with lemon pepper and coated with a crunchy breading, then baked. Topped with cinnamon/allspiced apple slices. How can pork and apples...
Asparagus spears are dipped in an egg white-mayonnaise mixture, then coated in Parmesan and panko breadcrumbs before a trip to the oven to bake into a...
This is a great recipe for fresh asparagus. Very simple and kids as well as adults love it. The buttered bread on top gives it just enough crunch, and...
These sweet and tangy pork chops are flavorful and very easy to make. I pour the marinade over the pork chops in a freezer bag, then freeze them for future...
I created this apple pork chop recipe while running out of ingredients and not wanting to go shopping for more. It turned out very delicious! It has a...
This is my recipe for pork chops baked in the oven with green bell pepper and onion then covered in a mushroom cream sauce and served with rice. This recipe...
This is a great side dish that goes well with beef entrees. It combines sour cream, horseradish and garlic salt in a creamy sauce. My friend Libby makes...
Pork chops baked on a bed of creamed corn. Note: When baking, check chops and stir after 1 hour; thereafter check every 1/2 hour until they are done. Total...
Marinated for 2 hours these chops are very good, marinated all day they are exquisite. These can be done wonderfully on the bbq...just omit the crumb coating....
Chops browned, then baked with hashbrowns, onion rings and Cheddar cheese in a sour cream sauce. Very tasty and easy. I've even made it an 'all-in-one'...