A quick and easy recipe with bacon, tomatoes, and avocados. A great base to add a variety of toppings and get the kids involved in the kitchen. We love...
The original idea for this came from a friend. I varied the type of cheese and bread, and added a finishing step to create these tasty little sandwiches....
The sweet potatoes almost melt as they cook under pressure in the Instant Pot, lending a silky texture and sweet flavor to this harissa-spiced chili. If...
By using heavy duty aluminum foil and creating some valleys for the bacon fat to flow results in perfectly flat, perfectly crisp, yet still succulent strips...
These rolls can be assembled 2 days ahead and refrigerated. If you want to serve them alongside pork or turkey, simply add them to the same oven in the...
Who says pigs can't fly? Take a few boneless pork chops, add some bacon and a little creativity, and Pig Wings are on the menu! The bacon adds great flavor...