I believe I am the original poster of this recipe. My mom handed this recipe down to me several years ago and it has recently become very popular with...
This is no ordinary chicken sandwich! Chicken breasts are marinated in ponzu sauce, pineapple juice, garlic, ginger, and herbs, then cooked together with...
An Indian friend of mine gave me a recipe for kheer and I've adapted it to make it vegan. The original recipe calls for whole milk and heavy cream. I've...
Chile paste with garlic and Szechuan peppercorns are available at Asian markets, and add heat to this Asian fusion version of deviled eggs. Adapted from...
This marinade is delicious with beef, but is great with pork or chicken too. You will need to adjust the cooking time depending upon the meat or poultry...
When you're looking for something tasty and unique to serve at your next appetizer party or to compliment a delicious Asian meal......this recipe will...
What makes this curry special is the 'bhuna' part. This consists of pan-frying the meat with spices. The meat cooks in its own juices, which is what gives...
With the help of your air fryer, this popular Chinese dish can be made fresh in your home and on your table faster than delivery. Bonus is that the chicken...
Chinese pan fried noodles, topped with stir fried seafood and vegetables. You can add any vegetables you like, I just used what I had on hand. Broccoli,...
While making a sauce for pork chops one night, I thought this would be a good base for a sweet and spicy stir-fry sauce. Not only was it tasty, but it...
If desired serve with rice or noodles, pouring sauce from chicken over each serving. You can also cut down on calories by not dredging the chicken but...
I ran out of soy sauce (which I use coconut aminos anyway) and really wanted some stir-fry with shrimp so I came up with this and hubby loves it. It has...
This is a Japanese cheesecake which is so light that it seems a little like a souffle. You only need cream cheese, eggs, and white chocolate to make this...
This is a main dish traditionally prepared in a clay pot, with bits of charred rice at the bottom - a real treat! Don't worry about the clean-up; if you're...
This recipe comes from Vegetariana a great cook book to have when vegaterian guests are coming. I keep a premixed can of this easy to make curry powder...
This looks like a lot of ingredients but you'll find it's really easy to do...and so beautiful and tasty at the same time!!! Serve this with steamed jasmine...
Paneer is an essential ingrediant in Indian cooking. Often people substitue riccotta or some other kind of cheese. But they never taste the same and paneer...
Lechon is a national dish in the Philippines - pork leg is roasted in the oven very slowly resulting in very moist and tasty meat. It is served all year...
Fast, light and full of flavour, great entree or a light lunch. Always a hit with dinner guests. For a chicken version, use chicken stock and 1 sliced...
Made this tonight for my sis and I and we really enjoyed it. It's on the hot/spicy side and has a wonderful flavor combination. The Andouille sausage adds...
This is an easy, no-fuss way to enjoy the taste of bulgogi without having to marinate for hours or heat the grill. Served with steamed white rice and cabbage...
Nice change from the usual Italian pasta salad or macaroni salad with mayo. Pairs well with salmon or honey mustard/teriyaki chicken or pork. Nice summer...
This was my favorite dinner growing up. It's a quick and easy way to get picky kids to eat green beans, because of the sweet sauce. It's great served over...
This lo mein can be on the table in no time and is packed with flavor without having to use those fancy sauces. The excess liquid will be soaked up by...
I've tried a few seared tuna recipes and took elements I liked from them to create this recipe. I find it to produce a really tasty product. Let me know...
Springfield, Missouri is the home of Cashew Chicken. This is supposed to be Leong's original recipe. Leong and his brother Gee developed this famous dish,...