This dessert is simple but very delicious for the banana lover. Bananas are simply cooked in a mixture of coconut milk and coconut cream to create a luscious...
A daily household dish in India, made in every house and cherished by each and every person. This authentic dish is made with tomatoes and onions flavored...
Pad Kee Mao translates to 'Drunken Stir Fry' in English. This is one variation of many such 'drunken' dishes that are commonly hawked by street-side vendors...
Living in San Francisco, I've had more than my fair share of crab, prepared in more ways than I can remember. I've never enjoyed it more than in this Singapore-style...
This recipe is the best for seafood lovers. Clams are steamed with sake and mirin and a bit of green onion in this Japanese way of preparation. My husband...
This is a simple dish which adds an Asian flair to the dinner table with ease. Some preparation is required but it can be put together in advance and cooked...
I found this recipe in a Cooking Light magazine. The original recipe called for you to bake this dish, but I like it just as is. Very flavorful and everyone...
I combined other teriyaki recipes to make up a yummy version for my favorite cooker: my electric pressure cooker. I used a mix of boneless skinless thighs...
One of the hardest foods for me to give up after I became vegan was sushi. Nothing beats fresh spicy tuna, or shrimp tempura crunch rolls. Unfortunately,...
Easy to make, easy cleanup. This is from the Reynolds Cooking with Foil cookbook. It says to use Reynolds Wrap Release non-stick foil, but if not spray...
I found this recipe on the internet. It was originally for tuna steaks, but I've found that it is just as delicious for catfish and other white fish fillets,...
This is a great way to take a classic meatball and make it a little modern with an Asian sauce me......everyone will love them! I made...
These buggers are tremendously challenging to find in any retail store, so I figured that it would be most prudent just to do it myself .. I have not attempted...
Who doesn't like a mango lassi, right? But when you don't have good fresh mangos or can't find mango puree, why not try a banana lassi? I ordered 2 in...
This is based on a recipe from a Gourmet magazine pamphlet titled "Every Day Meals". The intro to the recipe states, "If you have regular broccoli on hand,...
From Recipe Bridge. See recipe #460985 or recipe #457035 for a complimentary dipping sauce. This is one to impress your family. Enough marinade for 1 -...
An American tweak from an all-time favorite Filipino comfort food Champorado. This can be served either hot or cold. Sprinkle some orange zest for garnish...
This quick and easy Indian chicken curry comes together faster than you'd expect with your Instant Pot®. Ginger, garlic, coriander, garam masala, and...
This is my mom's recipe for the popular Indian condiment - corriander mint chutney. It is easy to make, delicious, healthy and has many uses. Hope you...
This is my grandma's lumpia and pancit that she has been making since before the family moved to the U.S. when my dad was a child. This is very popular...
Taro is a purple root vegetable, like a sweet potato, that is used in Asian recipes. Taro, tapioca and rock sugar can be found in most Chinese grocery...
This simple teriyaki dish works great with salmon or other firm fish. This is my husband's speciality dish from the cookbook, Big Bowl. It is incredible....
My good friend Lin gave me a recipe for beef in oyster sauce, I misread the amount of black pepper called for in her recipe, and the result was fantastic!...
I created this recipe from looking at a few different ones online and choosing my favorite aspects of each. This is vegetarian but there are many bibimbap...
Was looking for a recipe that was similar to P.F. Chang's Crispy Honey Shrimp. I found this one that sounds similar. I haven't tried it yet but plan to...
Everyday pork chops get a new lease on life when served with this zesty Bengali style sweet tomato chutney. Use slightly over ripe tomatoes if you can...