This is an excellent dish served over a bed of rice. A great company dish. Beautiful presentation. Serve over a bed of hot cooked rice (preferably basmati)...
This is an excellent chicken soup recipe with an asian flair. The lime and cilantro really stand out. However, this soup needs to be eaten fresh. Does...
A delicious Indian dish made with urad dal for special occasions. Like all dal dishes, it tastes even better when reheated the next day and the flavors...
This is one of the most popular recipes I've ever made! From kid's to old folks everyone loves these noodles. Add some spicy "Rooster sauce" and more ginger...
I've been experimenting with my new wok and think this meal came out pretty good and is relatively easy. Sorry for not providing exact measurements, I...
I drank bubble tea every day when I visited Taiwan, and decided to bring back some tapioca pearls (boba) to make my own at home. This is a versatile recipe:...
A classic Chinese dish that can be made with chicken instead of beef. If chicken is used, cooking time will be more depending on the thickness of the chicken...
This recipe is based on Kimke's Teriyaki-Ginger Salmon. I love her version so I tweaked it to make it more of my own. The lime in this dish gives the salmon...
A one pan dish of chicken, bell pepper, water chestnuts, and pineapple with a soy sauce, vinegar, and brown sugar sauce. Serve this tasty, Asian-inspired...
Garam Masala, similar but NOT identical to curry powder, can be found in East Indian food shops and sometimes in the 'Ethnic Foods' section at the supermarket....
This is delicious. It satisfies my craving for lo-mein. I have made with chicken and shrimp as well, just adjust the ramen noodle flavor to match. From...
Simple Asian inspired fish dish that is easy to prepare and delicious served with rice or noodles. Found on web site, "Hooked on Seafood". Recipe by Simon...
This Recipe came from"Cooks Illustrated" May/June 2015. The saltiness of fish sauce can vary; we reccommend Tiparos. When taking the temperature of the...
This is a sweet, hot and crunchy dish that can be served as a side or as the main course. Add the chopped veggies right before serving to insure a nice...
This salmon is tender and moist with a crispy outer coating. It is seasoned just right with toasted sesame oil, a hint of ginger and savory seasonings....
I love Thai food, and I adore barbecue. While experimenting one day, I came up with these beauties. They might not be 'authentic' but they sure hit the...
From Easy Thai Cooking WWW Cookbook--a personal favourite of mine. Very yummy! Don't let the somewhat long list of ingredients turn you off. Fish best...
This is a sweet and savory dish that will have them licking their plates clean. If you prefer a thicker sauce, you can mix in 1 tablespoon cornstarch into...
A delicious authentic recipe of chicken curry. I've had this almost every day growing up. If you want a more creamy and smooth sauce, blend the onions...
Personally, I have never been a lamb eater. However, this recipe for grilled lamb chops is superb. The lamb is succulent and the sauce is such a flavor...
Here is my recipe for dhal based on my many experiences cooking with my friends over the years. We love this served over freshly made basmati rice. Don't...
This is a healthier version of honey-sesame chicken that's pan-fried instead of deep-fried--an easy, home-cooked meal that's salty, sweet, and a little...
There are a hundred different ways to cook chicken curry, but Bengalis (from the eastern part of India) make something called Kosha (or kawshaa) which...
Very flavorful and comforting chicken curry recipe if you like Indian food and coconut. Best served with plain white basmati rice because of the thin consistency,...
This pancit is a favorite Filipino noodle dish that is usually served when you have company. Though time consuming, the end result is always delicious....
This popular Japanese spice mixture translates as seven-flavor or seven-spice mix. It is sometimes also called Nanami Togarashi. It is used in the kitchen...
I just mixed familiar Asian flavors together to make this oh-so-simple dish. Sometimes simplicity makes the best dishes. This is fast dinner to whip up...
Another recipe from Diana Liu's cookbook I've used for 42 years. The chicken broth used here is 1 can ( 14 oz.) chicken broth, 28 oz. water, 1/2" piece...
This is a great marinade for steaks and chicken. If possible, it is best to leave meat in the marinade for at least 24 hours. Prep time does not include...