This is a really yummy recipe I got out of Hello Magazine years ago. The dipping sauce is a must! Serve either as a starter or serve with noodles/stir...
Quick, easy, and delicious. Perfect for a filling lunch or dinner. Serve this over warm rice, noodles, or zoodles if desired! You could also wrap up in...
A mildly spiced curry from Burma with a beautiful fish-infused sauce! Try it!!! Garam Masala can be found in most supermarkets in the spice section or...
This is a mix of several different recipes to create a hybrid of Thai and Indian curry chicken. It has a bit of a kick to it, but is a very tasty kick...
This is a fantastic way to use up some leftover grilled chicken breasts. This will work with any kind of cooked chicken, but leftover grilled chicken has...
This is a very simple, yet very tasty, Thai red curry recipe. All the ingredients can be found in your grocery store. Specialty Asian shops are also a...
Halibut cheeks are really delicious and super-easy to cook. Here they are pan-seared and served with a zingy orange sauce with Asian seasonings. Great...
My family adores these! I call them easy because I make the filling in the food processor and use wonton wrappers in place of the homemade dough. I am...
This recipe is adapted from a famous Filipino restaurant in Manila, Philippines. The longer you marinate in the refrigerator, the better it gets! This...
This cold salad is easy to make and great for prepping healthier options for the week's lunches or snacks. I like to add some heat by mixing sriracha or...
This is a decidedly American version of moo shu chicken, but fast to make! The Mandarin pancakes, also called moo shu shells, can be found in almost any...
Chapli kebab is a form of kebabs widely popular in Pakistan. Mixed together with a South Asian blend of spices, the beef is flattened into circles and...
A versatile sauce that can be used as a dipping sauce for potstickers, dumplings or Mongolian Hot Pot, or as a marinade for meats and seafood, or dressing...
A simple and spicy curry that tastes great with steamed sticky rice, wide noodles, or naan bread. Serve with a dollop of mozzarella (burrata, if you have...
Mahi mahi fillets are encrusted with black and white sesame seeds, and pan seared. The sauce is rich and creamy, and flavored with soy, ginger, shallots,...
Chicken thighs baked with a sweet, garlicky oyster sauce mixture. The easiest recipe to fix when expecting unexpected company! They'll love you forever!...
This tasty noodle dish is the same one my mom used to make for me when I was growing up. It's definitely comfort food. You can alter it with adding your...
A very popular dish from India, this chicken 65 recipe delivers succulent pieces of red hot chicken that are sure to make the mouth water! Serve with white...
I think the Okinawans got the slow food concept right on - this was one of my favorite dishes growing up...shoyu pork...eaten over rice, or on top of soba....
I love this recipe. There is something about the sauce that you pour on at the very end that just makes this AMAZING!!!! I'm posting this for ZWT 2008!...
This is a hearty meal of chicken and potatoes simmered with Indian spices, tomatoes, Swiss Chard, and yogurt. Adjust the spices to taste. Serve it over...