You can keep the batter covered in the fridge for up to a week. Just be sure to whisk well before using again. You may also use whole wheat flour for this...
An easy waffle recipe that results in a nice crisp outside, and tender middle waffle. I love the results this gives while not having to separate the eggs...
If you like those cinnamon waffles from the frozen food department of the grocery store, you'll love these! I developed this recipe because I don't care...
Chaffles are low-carb waffles, but they can be used in so many ways. You can change the texture by adding some almond or coconut flour, turn them into...
The most delicious waffles! Usually served as a snack or dessert. Also try them with Korean red bean paste instead of the banana, it's even better! I remember...
This recipe has been handed down in my family and has become a favorite. If you have leftover waffles, they are great to freeze and then toast at a later...
I love experimenting with recipes, and I came up with this one after a lot of experimenting with my favorite waffle recipe. These are more filling than...
A crispy outside with thick softness within - my family won't stop enjoying them every week! The fact that this recipe is simple to remember and asks for...
These are sweeter than traditional Brussels Belgian waffles - a sweeter waffle that can be served for breakfast or dessert. Serve waffles warm or cooled...
Chaffles are an overnight sensation in the low carb/keto world. Adding almond flour gives them a more traditional waffle texture and helps get rid of any...
I am fortunate to have four blueberry bushes in my back yard, and they supply me with fresh blueberries all summer long. This is one of the recipes that...
This is a traditional waffle recipe. It makes tasty, crunchy waffles. They are very good with syrup, or my personal favorite is waffles topped with whipped...
A rather quick and easy waffle recipe, with the added goodness of fresh strawberries. Serve warm, topped with warm maple syrup, or the fruit syrup of your...
These are literally the best waffles I've ever eaten - we make them for special occasions. They are made with lots of eggs and cream and taste delicious....
Slightly dense waffles with a hint of lemon flavor and ricotta cheese for richness. If you like corn muffins, I think you will like these. Pairs well with...
Making French toast in your waffle iron combines the best of both worlds. You get all the custardy richness of French toast plus waffle's signature crispy...
Heart-shaped waffles are a traditional treat throughout Scandinavia, made crisp in Sweden and soft-textured in Norway. Topped with jam or berries and whipped...
Here's a quick and delicious way to use up those leftover mashed potatoes. You WILL need a waffle iron. These are basically potato pancakes (a.k.a. latkes)...
So far this is the best I've come up with for waffles. They get a nice crispy outer shell in my waffle iron that I find delicious. Be warned: you have...
A gluten-free waffle using zucchini and dry potato flakes--think green eggs and ham. Serve with sour cream, tart jam, onion chip dip, or applesauce. They...
These are special treat in our house! Try substituting pumpkin puree or canned yam puree for the sweet potatoes for tasty variations. Top with warmed pecan...
This is a healthier version of waffles. If you have leftovers, you can freeze them and reheat in the toaster. They are great spread with peanut butter,...
Looking for new waffle recipe? This one yields light, crispy waffles that my kids love. Choose your chocolate chips carefully, and your dish will be vegan...
As flavorful as you want to make it, this comes together easily and is wonderful for a lazy Sunday, or make them ahead and freeze them. Pop them in the...
Crispy on the outside, soft on the inside, with a little crunch from the pecans. Keep waffles warm in the oven as they complete cooking and come off the...