When wild mushrooms are in season it's time to make this nice simple and tasty traditional Russian chunky mushroom soup. This mushroom soup is very filling...
This is a very hearty, delicious soup. Spinach and other vegetables are simmered in a complex tomato base. Served with salad or sandwich, it makes a complete...
Vegetarians rejoice! I have been cooking soup at a local restaurant for 12 years in a college town. Many of our customers are vegans and vegetarians. I...
This soup is so hearty and beefy, feels more like a stew!! We really love hearty soups, I hope you do too!! Grab a couple slices of bread or some rolls,...
This is my mother in law's family recipe that came with her from South Africa, and one of my favorite soups! She grates the turnips, carrots and parsnips...
I made this healthy vegetable soup on yesterday with items I had on hand. Some of them fresh & others canned. So as to keep the sodium some what lower,...
The Iroquois Indians cultivated and used the 3 Sisters (corn, squash, and beans) as a main stay of their diet. This soup is named in their honor. I have...
I first made this soup about 19 years ago, & was amazed at how simple & easy it was, as well as so full of flavor since it is made in the microwave. It...
This cream made with Poblano peppers can be enjoyed in various ways. It is the perfect sauce for a pasta topped with a grilled chicken breast or the perfect...
In my opinion, mushrooms don't freeze well but you can home can this soup in pint jars without the barley for 70 minutes a 10 lbs pressure or quart jars...
Another wonderful, hearty Russian soup from allrecipes.com. This one will warm you up, inside and out. I have an image of coming home on a cold winter...
Years ago I would hear my mom and several of her friends talk about making Vegetable Soup and how long it took to prepare. And I thought their had to be...
As a child I had to earn my cooking badge for girlscouts. My mother helped me prepare this stew she called hobo stew. It is such an easy dish to make and...
Simple, fresh ingredients make this one of my family's favorite soups. You can adjust the spice from very mild to super hot, by choosing the kind of green...
This is a great way to start your summer and still have a great soup with all those summer herbs and vegetables,add a little bacon for some crunch and...
The secret of a Memorable Vegetable Beef Soup is the selection and preparation of the beef. I use "Choice" rather than "Select" Grade Beef. My personal...
This was so good, the only thing I would change is do a smaller dice on the onions and dice the diced tomatoes a little more. The addition of heavy cream...
Roasting the poblanos instead of using canned chiles really improves the flavor in the Vegetarian stew. Multiple cooking methods, which isn't an option....
An excellent "diet" soup, this can be eaten in large serving sizes without adding many calories to the diet; yet it still has the protein factor of the...
This is the BEST soup I've ever eaten, bar none! You could also make it substituting broccoli or brussels sprouts for the cauliflower. Even ppl who do...
I love vegetable soups. I save all types of greens that others might discard, clean, cut, blanch and then freeze the pieces until I feel it is a "soup...
I found this recipe, in the newspaper. Sounds worth a try! I would use frozen onions & green peppers, if I them on hand, to make this even more quick &...
I found this in my mother's collection of recipes. We lived in Nelson, BC, Canada when I was a teenager in the 1950's. My Mom worked with some Doukhobor...
I had a yummy noodle soup called Fideo Loco recently in Texas. I lightened it up by using chicken instead of the more usual beef. Also, used fewer noodles...
This is my all-time favorite soup. I saw Martha Stewart make it on her show. This recipe is adapted from Body + Soul magazine, February 2006. Very healthy...
With a beautiful mix of spices and fresh ingredients, not only is this soup absolutely fabulous but you can also use up your mashed potato leftovers......
Southern Food=Soul Food=Comfort Food...Pure and simple! If you love collard greens or any kind of fresh greens, soup, ham, and just good old fashioned...
A quick and easy one pot 1950 FARM SOUP. I would make this by the quarts, and freeze them. If you plan to have it for supper, take a quart from the freezer,...
A friend gave me this recipe 32 years ago. I don't know where she got the recipe. My version of it adds cheese. For best results use fresh broccoli, real...
When tomatoes are ripe and plentiful, this is a fabulous rustic tomato soup. It's creamy and savory with a touch of sweetness. The rich tomato flavor is...
Create tasty Russian Beef & Vegetable Soup with this recipe from Woman's Day Magazine. We offer a variety of free healthy recipes. Discover your favorite...
I couldn't live without my pressure cooker. Now my recently married daughter has come to appreciate the wonders that can be done with a pressure cooker--especially...
There are a few soups that will simply get raves when you serve them. Mushroom Soup is definitely one of them. The use of Leeks and Dill in this new original...
This easy to make, pumpkin soup, is subtly flavored with spices and yogurt, it will leave you happy and content. The soup is flavored with warm pungent...