This quick and easy dish of meatballs in a creamy vegetable sauce tastes great over noodles or other pasta. This recipe of my grandmother's has been a...
This is a hearty meat dish that is low in fat and sodium. It's healthier than most ground meat dishes, easy to make, and tastes great! Leftovers freeze...
I like to call this my Christmas hodgepodge pie. A glorious mixture of all those lovely roast dinner leftovers, enveloped in a smooth, silky sauce and...
This recipe is a recipe I came up with because it is quick and easy, especially for a working mom like myself. You use the slow cooker and it cooks all...
Thanksgiving turkey has been given a Cuban twist! We celebrate this American holiday by preparing a turkey marinated with the flavors of Cuba. The recipe...
This is my 'garden version' of my mom's simple recipe. Serve with homemade mashed potatoes and fresh sweet corn. Top meatloaf with more cheese, crumbs,...
For many of us, Christmas dinner is all about the turkey. While a traditional roast is absolutely beautiful, this recipe is a fantastic opportunity to...
Do you have leftover cooked turkey in your refrigerator? These turkey enchiladas are a great way to put leftovers to use. Make a quick sauce, then add...
I came up with these zucchini and sweet potato meatballs when I was on an elimination diet for food allergies. Simple, pure ingredients and yummy. Serve...
French boudin blanc-not to be confused with Cajun boudin blanc-is a dairy-infused pork sausage. Used as a stuffing, it infuses lean cuts like turkey breast...
This is one of our family favorites for leftover turkey. Even my children's friends that are picky eaters love it. I've also used store-bought sliced turkey...
Who doesn't love those State Fair Smoked Turkey Legs? Admit secretly love buying those! They wrap it in tin foil, and you walk around and munch...
If you're a fan of the Mediterranean flavors, then add this turkey recipe to your holiday menu. The olive oil, garlic, and herbs rubbed under and over...
Depending on size of thighs and how many you cook (do not overcrowd the slow cooker), this feeds 2-6 people. This is a great dish to quench those turkey...
This is a recipe for shepherd's pie that is pretty much effortless. It uses ingredients that are probably sitting in your cabinets right now, and will...