Try sprinkling some over popcorn, French fries, fresh avocado, hard-boiled eggs, shredded meats for tacos, soup, deviled eggs, hot wings, seafood and rimming...
Not your average chicken soup, this Thai-inspired take gets spiced up with fresh garlic, ginger, green curry, coriander, cumin, cilantro, shallots and...
This is one of my favorite recipes. I have it every time I go to a Thai restaurant topped with coconut ice cream or drizzled with honey. If you have never...
This delicious Thai recipe is my take on the top 5 pad kee mao recipes on the net! Adjusted to taste like our favorite nearby Thai place, this recipe was...
This Thai Beef & Broccoli Stir-Fry is even more delicious than the Chinese version, with more depth of flavor and slightly more spice (this can be adjusted...
Thai-style rice noodle dish with chicken and a bit of a kick. It is a lot easier to make this if you cook it in the pan in two batches instead of one....
Swanson makes a Thai Ginger infused broth in a 1 quart carton. It's already seasoned so I used it as a base and adjusted my original Tom Kha Kai soup......
My Thai mother used to saute potato leaves in this same manner and it was absolutely delicious. I have a harder time now finding this delicacy, but sometimes...
This is good on popcorn, hard boiled eggs, fried eggs, grilled corn, french fries, avocado, edamame, steak, anything you would put hot sauce on. If you...
Panang curry with chicken represents the diversity of Thailand's South. Panang refers to the island of Penang in Northern Malaysia bordering Southern Thailand....
Sankaya! My mother taught me how to make this very simple Thai breakfast/dessert. This snack is often found on street vendor carts on the streets of Thailand...
wine & dine with jeff gives you an ultra delicious thai recipe. thai drunken noodles recipe is made with simple ingredients easy and loved by every age...
Found this recipe on Pinterest, and LOVED IT! Couldn't find it on, so adding for safe keeping. Here is a note from the original poster Patricia...
This dish uses a classic Thai preparation method of protein. It might not sound like much, but it's a very satisfying dish, especially made with shrimp...
This is a denser version of the traditional banana cake and is very easy to make. You can either steam it in a square baking tin, in individual foil cups...
I enjoy beef satay way more than I do skewering small pieces of beef. Besides, I've never made satay, and not stuck a bamboo skewer into my finger at some...
This is a very unique and tasty recipe. I got this recipe from my friend, it is a little hot, but also delicious. If you love Asian food, try this! You...
Khao man gai or khao mun gai, literally meaning oily rice [with] chicken, is one of the most popular Thai dishes; it can be found everywhere in Thailand...
This popular Thai noodle dish has a delicate balance of spicy, sweet, salty, and sour flavors. This recipe is based on a traditional Bangkok-style version...
Nothing is more stunning at the dinner table than serving a whole fried fish with a fragrant unctuous sauce. Caution should be used when deep frying the...
This delicious recipe is from the book Fresh Thai by Oi Cheepchaiissara. The cilantro roots add a depth of flavor that you should try if you can get them;...
Inspired by Tiffany Goodall's recipe. Modified to use fresh shrimps; you can use precooked shrimp for convenience. Great with egg noodles or Thai jasmine...
This is a fast and easy recipe that will fool everyone into thinking you have spent a long time in the kitchen! From the Kraft What's Cooking Book. Hope...
Spicy and sweet Thai pork and peppers, served taco-style in a buttered Naan wrapper with tamarind tempura onions and Thai curry peanut slaw. With inspiration...
This chicken is simple to make and the sauce is even more flavorful if allowed to marinate on the chicken overnight. Try serving this with a spicy fried...