These egg-salad stuffed endive leaves make a great appetizer instead of salty chips. They look pretty too. If you are taking them to a party, the egg-salad...
Small pockets of dough filled with ham, onion, tomatoes, parsley, and hard-boiled eggs. These are as tasty as they are easy and impressive. They make great...
I had this at a tapas bar in Spain way back and was able to figure out how to mimic it. It's an easy way to clean out the fridge and pantry. And, perfect...
Three gooey cheese dip recipes (Jalapeño Popper Cheese Dip, Cheesy Beef Enchilada Dip, and acon and Apple Gouda Dip), and ideas for variations and tips...
From the dusty central plains to the islands plopped in the azure waters of the Mediterranean, you'll find the delicious aroma of Gambas al ajillo (Garlic...
If sous vide eggs had been invented 2,000 years ago, there would have been entire books of the Bible dedicated to their praise. But at the last meeting...
Delicious mussels with a parsley butter filling and breadcrum topping... stuffed mussels make a splendid appetizer or light starter! Try our easy recipe...
You can't beat cucumber soup for a refreshing snack and here in Spain, it's called 'gazpacho de pepino' or 'cucumber gazpacho'. This recipe takes around...
This is a favorite at any Venezuelan get-together from Maracaibo. My mom used to make these Ojos de Buey for almost every party at our home. It is so easy...
A delectable combination of scallops, bacon, peppers, and a breadcrumb-Parmesan mixture sure to please. This is a luxurious appetizer served up with a...
In Seville, chickpeas and spinach (garbanzos con espinacas) is a popular dish served in both fine restaurants and tapas bars. It's simple but incredibly...
I prepare this refreshing shrimp cocktail for my family a lot during the hot summer days. Being a Mexican family, we always add Mexican hot sauce (such...
This tasty dish can be made with yellow squash or crookneck squash. The squash is spiralized and baked on a naan flatbread with a lemony-cheesy base for...
This is an easy way to repurpose leftover mashed potatoes. You can add cheese or bacon for a new twist. My family absolutely loves these, especially the...
Calamari is a Spanish food staple found everywhere from seafood paella to this tapas bar favourite. While calamari a la plancha normally features calamari...
This is a great way to quickly cook duck or goose breasts. My husband is a duck hunter, but he doesn't really care for traditional duck recipes so he came...
Based on my father-in-laws recipe, these fish cakes use salt cod. Trust me, it is worth the effort to find the salt cod. The slight saltiness of the cod...
Croquetas are the quintessential tapa - bite sized finger food you can enjoy with a cold glass of beer. Crisp on the outside and creamy in the middle,...
Champiñones al Ajillo is a classic Spanish tapas recipe that you'll find served all over Spain. Spanish garlic Mushrooms are delightfully simple to make...
A wonderful appetizer to enjoy with friends when San Francisco's Indian summer warms the city. The true way to 'cook' the fish is to marinate it in citrus...
My take on the classic Peruvian ceviche. The acidity of the citrus fruit 'cooks' the fish. A nice refreshing meal on a hot summer day. It's imperative...
A different version of the commonly seen appetizer of scallops wrapped in bacon. Using prosciutto allows for the subtle flavors of this meat to come through...
These wonderful sour cream, bacon and chive-stuffed red potatoes are a perfect appetizer for any occasion. Easy to prepare ahead of time, top off with...
I had this at a tapas bar in Spain way back and was able to figure out how to mimic it. It's an easy way to clean out the fridge and pantry. And, perfect...
Spaniards love eggs, especially when they are prepared in the form of a tortilla, or omelet. The traditional tortilla has four ingredients - eggs, potatoes,...
This is a great bite-sized appetizer to serve at parties, or to give to kids for lunch, or anytime. These can be served hot or cold, and they freeze well....
Empanadas originate from the Galician region of northern Spain and often feature delicious fillings made with local ingredients of the area. This chicken...
These hot appetizer bites are delicious and easy to make. Rolls are separated into pieces, topped with a crabmeat and Swiss cheese mixture, and sprinkled...