Recipe VIDEO above. Melt-in-your-mouth chunks of beef, vegetables and potato in a hearty herb infused broth. You'll love how the soup broth is slightly...
The perfect dish for a cold winter's day! 'Kotosoupa Avgolemono' is a hearty and delicious classic Greek lemon chicken soup, bursting with Mediterranean...
Follow step-by-step, photo illustrated instructions to make our delicious, and hearty, Brunswick Stew. We're combining Chicken, Pork BBQ, and some of our...
Want to make a traditional Greek Meatball Soup in Egg-lemon sauce (Youvarlakia Avgolemono)? This is a hearty and delicious dish, perfect for a cold winter's...
This hearty Southwest style soup features chicken, black beans, corn and peppers in a slightly spicy, creamy broth. Top with shredded cheese and avocado...
Cube steak recipes may not appear beautiful, but boy are they tasty. This recipe is seriously so easy and delicious. No fancy ingredients here. It's a...
Caldo de Pollo Or Chicken Soup Mexican Style is a beautiful recipe of heart warming soup that will make you and your family very happy. The combination...
Relax as our Old-Fashioned Potato Soup simmers stovetop, and look forward to the thick, rich-tasting result that is as wonderful as the original, but uses...
This delicious collard greens & white bean soup recipe is a quick and easy way to use dark, leafy green vegetables that contain anti-cancer nutrients....
There are several ways to make a Mexican meatball soup, and this is one of the simplest recipes that I've found that my family absolutely loves. These...
This homemade split pea soup is easy to make and the perfect hearty soup for colder months. Flavored with fresh herbs, and a classic smokiness from ham....
Put on your woolies and bundle up, 'cause our Potato Dumpling Soup is a Fargo favorite that's full of comfort. Between the rich broth and the homemade...
This is a real twist on mac and cheese and came from my mother. It is a favorite which is requested at all the holiday and family gatherings. It is very...
Incredibly delicious Chinese Hot and Sour Soup with Ramen is the perfect comfort food that's ready in under 30 minutes! It's a hearty meal, full of veggies,...
When the weather gets chilly, we're thinking one thing: comfort. Luckily for you, we've got something that combines the comfort of seasonal soup with,...
This nourishing, hearty and creamy cauliflower and bacon soup is comfort in a bowl. Made with everyday ingredients and ready in less than an hour, it's...
There is a multitude of ways shrimp soup is made in Mexico, and each region can have its own recipes. In the Huasteca region, for example, there is a version...
Chicken Soup is one of those comfort foods that has no borders, and traditional Mexican cooks have a special place for it, too. I know everyone has their...
This Slow Cooker Vegetable Barley Soup recipe (vegan) couldn't be easier. Just throw everything in the crockpot and walk away! Healthy, delicious and packed...
You'll love how this Shrimp Bisque recipe incorporates making a super quick stock with your shrimp shells so you can get that delicious, bold flavor...
White Bean Turkey Chili is hearty, healthy turkey chili recipe with lean ground turkey, white beans, fresh lime and plenty of spice! It's gluten-free...
Serve with your favorite crusty bread. Kapusta [kah-POOS-tah], the Russian, Belarusian, Hungarian, Polish, Ukrainian, Czech (used mainly to refer to Savoy...
This rich, creamy soup features tender chunks of chicken, crispy bacon, plenty of potatoes and corn, and lots of cheddar cheese. True comfort food on a...
My husband and I are using the Weight Watcher point plus system to loose weight (so easy). There is a free App on I-phone to scan all foods and it tells...
Caldo de Queso is a delicious potato and cheese soup typical from the state of Sonora, in Mexico. A warm and comforting dish, perfect for a quick weeknight...