Mexican Chicken Posole (also referred to as chicken pozole) is a richly flavored soup made with chicken, hominy, garlic and onion all simmered in a broth...
Creamy Vegetable Soup (without cream) is a vegan and gluten-free favorite that comes together in one pot. Filled with fiber and plant protein, this hearty...
Curried Pumpkin Soup is a hearty, comforting, vegan soup packed with pumpkin, apple, and carrot. Learn how to make pumpkin soup in an instant pot in a...
This Vegetable Beef Soup is a hearty combination of beef and lots of vegetables. Perfect for a cold winter night, this soup is comforting, healthy and...
I made this with sheepshead, but you can use any fish that is firm, freshwater or saltwater. If you can't find Conecuh, use whatever smoked sausage you...
Savory, thick, creamy, and loaded with delicious flavor to warm the body and soul! Root vegetables simmered in a sage flavored broth, then pureed into...
You haven't had taco soup until you try this CHEESY Taco Soup version! This 30 minute, ONE POT Cheesy Taco Soup recipe is the ultimate comforting soup...
This udon noodle soup recipe made with a sumptious broth and loaded with flavorful veggies, noodles, and eggs is comfort in a bowl. Get ready for the cozy...
Roasting canned tomatoes, onions and garlic on a sheet pan really brings out the flavors in this easy roasted tomato soup. It's topped with golden toasted...
This easy Taco Soup recipe is one of my favorite meals when I want something healthy, quick, and tasty. You can make it on the stove, in the crock pot...
This easy Homemade Chicken Soup recipe is guaranteed to boost your immune system! A healing chicken soup filled with veggies, turmeric, herbs, chicken...
This amazing vegan tomato bisque has that signature tangy bite from the tomatoes and the creaminess and slight sweetness to balance out the tangy flavor...
Fast, easy, and delicious, this Instant Pot beef stew cooks up in just an hour and tastes like its been simmering slowly all day long! Its the perfect...
There is plenty of old-fashioned flavor in this Instant Pot Navy Bean Soup. The pressure cook method results in a creamy, satisfying and super wholesome...
This Spicy Broccoli Soup is absolutely amazing. Creamy, vibrant, full of wonderful flavors. It's so simple, yet so delicious and healthy, packed with...
Fast Easy 8 Can Taco Soup that is so delicious you'll be on your way to a Spicy Delight in minutes flat by simply adding a few extra seasonings to 8 cans...
Chicken Tortilla Soup in a Crock Pot is my absolute favorite soup recipe for winter! This HEALTHY Chicken Tortilla Soup recipe is spicy, easy, and delicious....
My Broccoli and Pea Soup is colourful, nutritious and full of fresh flavour. The sweetness of the peas mellows the earthy taste of broccoli, complemented...