This Coconut Curry Soup is infused with ginger, garlic, red curry paste and coconut milk. Loaded with succulent shrimp and vegetables, this tasty Thai...
Chinese restaurant-style hot and sour soup made easy! The hearty, spicy, sour broth is loaded with mushrooms, silky eggs, and tofu. I've included lots...
Creamy roasted carrot soup with warm Mediterranean spices, garlic, and fresh ginger. The flavor combination in this hearty soup will surprise you in the...
This tom kha soup (Thai coconut soup) is absolutely perfect. Rich and creamy yet tangy and salty, this Thai soup is filling but light and positively bursting...
This Butternut Squash and Sweet Potato Soup is the ultimate in Fall and Winter comfort food. Roasting the squash and potatoes add such a deep caramelized...
Hamburger Soup is a quick and easy meal loaded with vegetables, lean beef, diced tomatoes and potatoes. It's great made ahead of time, reheats well and...
This easy taco soup recipe is so hearty, filling and just the perfect comfort food. And the deliciously spiced, beefy flavor will have everyone craving...
This carrot and coriander soup recipe is so unexpectedly delicious! Sweet and savory carrots are cooked with garlic, butter, onion, coriander, cumin, cream,...
This easy Chicken Tortilla Soup comes together right in your slow cooker. Just sprinkle on some chili powder and cumin, add an onion, bell pepper, tomato...
An ultra-creamy mushroom soup without cream! Loaded with mushrooms, garlic, and fresh herbs it's a comforting and hearty soup without the extra calories...
Recipe video above. Chicken Pho (Pho Ga) - the little sister of famous Beef Pho, equally delicious but much easier to make! I call it the Vietnamese version...
Recipe video above. This is a very quick to make soup that is one of all my all time favourites, it's thick, creamy (but with no cream!), sweet from...
This Pumpkin Bisque Soup is savory with surprise smoky flavor from chipotle chili, is creamy and silky with aroma of holiday spices. The rich and silky...
Leave this bone broth overnight in the slow cooker. It's flavoured with vegetables, bay, lemon and herbs to make it all the more satisfying on a winter's...
Chunky vegetable soup to warm ya up? Sounds good, huh? This celery root soup (or celeriac soup) is jam-packed with celery root and other hearty root veggies,...