This leftover ham and bean soup recipe uses up extra ham in the fridge or freezer, and makes a quick and easy soup dinner everyone will love! Feel free...
This Leftover Ham and Bean Soup recipe uses up the bone and extra meat from a ham to make a flavorful and mouthwatering soup. Get ready for a delicious,...
This hearty New England Clam Chowder recipe is absolutely delicious and loaded with clams, creamy potatoes and smoky bacon. This Clam Chowder recipe is...
Tomato, carrot and lentil soup is a must add to your recipe repertoire if you need a quick and easy meal the whole family can enjoy. Coming together in...
This Sausage Kale Soup Recipe is a cozy fall soup made in the slow cooker. This Sausage Kale Soup is a delicious make-ahead crockpot dinner recipe that...
You will love this easy sausage and potato soup recipe with Italian sausage, potatoes, garlic, and kale. The soup is comforting and ultra-flavorful. For...
This Greek Lentil Soup Recipe (Fakes Soupa) is a hearty, healthy vegan soup packed with flavor from fresh herbs, tomatoes, and a generous amount of extra-virgin...
This scrumptious Swiss chard soup with red lentils takes one pot, it's ready in 30 minutes and will surprise your taste buds! Hearty red lentils combined...
Flavorful creamy broth, with fresh green beans, potatoes and bacon, make this a great soup year round, but especially when you have those fresh garden...
This old-fashioned homemade chicken and dumplings is a hearty family favorite, a fast and simple classic one-pot dinner. The soup is topped with scratch...
Great as a weeknight meal or game day snack, beer cheese soup is a true bowl of comfort. It's creamy and decadent, especially when served in a bread...
Butternut squash, red lentils, and sweet potato are wrapped in a lightly sweet and creamy coconut and tomato broth accented with spicy notes of turmeric,...
Full of Tex-Mex flavor, this easy Taco Soup is one of my favorite soup recipes. Top with cheese, sour cream, and pickled jalapenos and you have a great...
This BACON CORN CHOWDER recipe is a must make for winter! This delicious and easy corn chowder with bacon is loaded with potatoes, corn, bacon, and so...
Mexican Chicken Rice Soup is made with chicken, brown rice, tomatoes, onion and lots of garlic. This nourishing chicken and rice soup is one of my favorite...
Hassle-free, delicious beef stew. Soak dried beans overnight, spend a few minutes mixing ingredients in the morning, and come home to a hearty meal in...
Nothing like a warm bowl of tortilla soup on a chilly winter day! This lighter version of chicken tortilla soup is healthy, flavorful, and packed with...
The best homemade roasted tomato basil soup made with fresh tomatoes, garlic, olive oil, caramelized onions and optional add-ins for extra creaminess....
You will never miss the calorie-laden cream in this fresh take on a favorite winter soup. Substituting a potato for the usual half-and-half or heavy cream...
Irish Mushroom and Potato Soup is so thick, luxurious and full of flavor that even little bellies will be asking for more. Combining a hearty mixture of...
This warming tomato and lentil stew is nourishing, aromatic, and incredibly simple. French lentils are cooked in a comforting tomato broth until tender...