Not only are these Slow Cooker BBQ Beef Sandwiches a crowd pleaser they're really easy to make! The great thing cooking meat in a slow cooker is that the...
This Slow Cooker Guinness Corned Beef is a simple one dish meal full of flavor and oh so easy! Tender corned beef, carrots, potatoes, and cabbage all cooked...
Slow Cooker Taco Soup! This vegan taco soup recipe is cozy comfort food. If you like tacos then you'll love this taco-inspired soup! Made with two types...
These delicious slow cooker pork ribs are fall-off-the-bone tender. Based on the much-loved Mississippi beef roast recipe, but gets an extra kick from...
This crockpot lasagna is possibly the easiest lasagna you will ever make. You don't need to boil the lasagna noodles before layering the lasagna in your...
Slow Cooked Collard Greens with Ham hock is a Southern Collard Green side dish, easily made in a slow cooker. Garlic, red pepper and optional hot sauce...
This Lazy Lasagna is a super easy Crockpot recipe made with frozen ravioli, homemade tomato sauce with beef and loads of cheese. You'll love all the...
Once it's prepped and in the slow cooker, you'll notice this recipe doesn't provide much liquid-but not to worry, it's just enough to keep the meat moist...
Slow Cooker Corn Chowder is an easy weeknight meal that is practically done for you. This is a meal that is perfect for when you are in a rush and don't...
This slow-cooked banana peppers & roast beef creates a super tender & juicy pulled beef that's just bursting with flavors and spices. Perfect for those...
Slow Cooker Barbecue Chicken Sliders - What could be better than the taste of succulent pulled chicken with caramelized onion and bacon, piled high on...
A simplified version of the classic French beef stew that contains all of the flavors, but none of the fuss, of Boeuf Bourguignon. Slow cooker beef stew...
The meat does not need to be seared in skillet first to make this fall-apart tender, pulled BBQ beef for sandwiches. This recipe has so much flavor no...
This savory oatmeal is reminiscent of cheesy grits: very creamy and rich with little bits of crisp bacon. An egg on top is terrific if you like your lilies...
This tastes like rice pudding. It can be eaten any time and you can add almost anything to it that you like!I would not have put it in the dessert category,...
Put your slow cooker to work during the holidays and make these Honey-Dijon Glazed Carrots! This is a blissfully hands-off side dish when you're busy...
A flavor powerhouse of protien!! Cooked with no meat or meat by products. Easy to prepare by putting it all in a crock pot. Serve with whole wheat tortillas...