Adding asparagus and frozen peas directly to the boiling pasta during the last couple minutes of cooking means everything for this seasonal, fresh dinner...
A simple and delicious sheet pan dinner with shrimp and vegetables - you can use any combination of vegetables you like, but try to cut them all in even...
A unique way to eating shrimp, it's au gratin. Try it over grilled veggies and it's even better. It's very filling and appetizing. You can serve the shrimp...
This is the recipe passed on to me from my Aunt Doris (who in turn had it passed on to her). Seafood is local favorite on the East End of LI due to its...
I have never made better cod at home than with this recipe. It's quick, delicious, and loaded with flavor. Instead of Pecorino you can use Parmesan, though...
This recipe is a staple in Mexico. Raw seafood is cooked by the lime juice! Now don't wrinkle your nose! You would never know the seafood was not cooked...
Easy marinade for flavorful shrimp with a little kick. My family loves these and the marinade is also great on grilled steak. Serve with a salad and grilled...
A quick and yummy way to prepare crispy tilapia the whole family will love, without frying. I get asked to make this several times a week by everyone in...
Tired of spending ten dollars or more for a simple Seared Ahi Tuna Appetizer and over thirty dollars for a Seared Ahi Tuna dinner? Well, now you can go...
A delicious fish with a summery flavor! Preparation Time: 25 minutes. This recipe is from The WEBB Cooks, articles and recipes by Robyn Webb, courtesy...
I spent a few days in Florence about 30 years ago, and while I don't remember much, I do recall my surprise at how delicious the Tuscan fish stew was....
A tangy, easy recipe for almost any firm-fleshed fish fillets: red snapper, sea bass, grouper. Adaptable for sole, flounder, tilapia, and other thin fillets...
Dry sauce mix combines with asparagus and salmon to make a dish that will impress your friends--and you don't have to tell them how easy it is! Mezzi rigatoni...
This cream of crab soup is so rich and delicious! I make this a lot, especially in the winter with some nice, hot rolls! Use more Old Bay to suit your...
I love Asian-style fish or shrimp cakes but almost never order them because I find there's too much filler or 'binder.' So if you want to enjoy shrimp...
A delicious fish soup that's low in fat! Having grown up on the Texas/Mexico border, I like foods spicy, but you can adjust the seasonings to taste. I...
This is a simple, less rich, but very tasty recipe for tuna melts. It's the only tuna melt I make and my husband is a convert from the traditional kind...
Yellowfin tuna is always delicious when grilled. This is great at a tailgate party, or at your Saturday afternoon summer barbecue. You can add a little...
Simple, easy fish recipe. Any white fish will do! And even the kids will eat up the spinach! (My four year old loves this dish!) This recipe was passed...
Having lived by the Chesapeake Bay on Kent Island, MD nearly my whole life, I was challenged to develop this authentic Maryland style crab cake about a...
Flavorful recipe for this farm-raised fish that is easy and done in minutes! The fish is broiled with a creamy cheese coating for an impressive flavor...
Cod is pan-fried, covered with a savory potato crust, and baked in the oven. You can use any type of white fish fillet for this recipe, no need to buy...
I'm using canned salmon for this delicious recipe. Every grocery store carries it, and canned salmon is almost always wild salmon. I'm not going to go...
This is an excellent dish that my mother makes. It has lots of vegetables in a thick Creole sauce. If you wish, you may also put sliced cheddar cheese...