At 611 Supreme in Seattle, authentic French crepes are filled with either savory or sweet fillings. In this recipe, a buckwheat crepe is filled with mushrooms,...
Another of my daughter's tasty recipes. These bread cases are meant to have the edges uneven, corners sticking up, but they can be cut off at patty tin...
You all know the sweet bakery Napoleons, layered with custard and laced with chocolate. This savory version uses frozen puff pastry, baked and split; then...
This is in my top five favorite meals of all time. This is the meal I would serve if a French chef was coming to dinner. A very flavorful main dish that...
This recipe comes from the Party Skewers section of The New Polish Cuisine by Chef Michael J. Baruch. I enjoy the ingredients for this recipe by themselves...
Fishermen who land a "northern" harvest a fish of exceptional flavor and texture. From the Mississippi Valley chapter of the United States Regional Cookbook,...
Now you can have your quiche and eat it to. :) This healthier version is from the Jan/Feb 2010 Weight Watchers magazine. Yummy quiche containing cottage...
Easy, slow cooked with a savory crust. The dark stout gives this great flavor. Comfort food at it's best. Now I just used crescent rolls for the top of...
These are more like small thin pancakes than a real crepe. They make a tasty breakfast meal and are wonderful when topped with hot fresh blueberry sauce...
A vegan burrito recipe that is filling, hearty, flavorful and every kind of delicious! Stuffed with black beans and corn, rice, vegan sour cream and guacamole,...
This was originally posted by my cyber-friend Moxie; I was lucky enough to rescue it during a recent recipe 'adoption' drive. Her original intro read:...
Learn how to make healthy cauliflower rice with peas in no time. This super easy side recipe is a great substitute for rice and the perfect way to sneak...
I enjoy making salads during the summer that I keep on hand to make meals easier. I love pasta salads, especially ones using orzo. This one was inspired...
This is a very simple yet elegant dinner when served with some steamed broccoli, small wedges of baked squash, a tossed salad and french bread. the sauce...
The most delicious vegan tofu burger you've ever tasted. Baked and marinated to perfection, topped with the richest creamiest mushroom sauce that will...
I sort of popularized meat rubs in my neighborhood, once my friends and family tried the results. I used to throw together a rub just randomly as I needed...
This is a robust and delicious hot beef and cheese dip made with cream cheese, dried beef, and green onions all mixed together and stuffed into a round...
This is the easiest salmon you'll ever make. The mayo binds the flavors to the fish and creates a very flavorful crust. Light mayo works just fine for...
I kinda just fudged this one together one night by combining a few recipes that I had made before. My fiance loved it but I thought it might be lacking...
Learned this blend a long time ago in N. Carolina, and finally got around to getting it on paper. Absolutely GREAT on ribs of any type... babyback, country...
These tasty little cocktail nibbles are irresistible with a nice glass of sherry by a winter fire, and everyone simply loves them. I wish I could remember...
A very delicious gourmet pizza! If you like smoked salmon and gourmet pizza, this is your gig. I was watching my favorite TV channel, Food Network, when...
Get out your specialty pan and try this little French cake gone American! A Jill O'Conner winner, at least in my book! NOTE: Chef#955508 make a good point....
I came up with this recipe a few days ago when I wanted to make a shrimp salad that did not have pasta or salad greens in it. I added things as I went...