This tangy homemade salsa, made with fresh from the garden vegetables, is so delicious, and versatile! For example, it can be served hot as an accompaniment...
Easy Homemade Salsa verde, made with tomatillos, serrano o jalapeño peppers. This authentic Mexican salsa is the way we make it in Mexico. Goes great...
This Chicken with Creamy Poblano Sauce is another excellent and delicious way to cook Poblano peppers, besides using them to make the famous "Chiles Rellenos,"...
In Mexico, the bottled hot sauce is used every day to spice up street fares such as potato chips, fruit cocktails, popcorn, and other fried foods sold...
Pork in Tomatillo Sauce, One of the most common changes to this recipe is the type of peppers used for the sauce. If you go south to the Peninsula of Yucatan,...
This is a really nice recipe that I'm happy to bring to you today. Its wonderful mix of flavors will make you feel that all that time you spent preparing...
Guajillo Pork Stew - This is one of those recipes that always come in handy when in a hurry. It's really tasty and a good comfort food for the cold winter...
Salsa Roja. There are as many homemade salsas as households are in Mexico. Every home has its own version of a homemade salsa. This is very easy to make...
What a great way to use up all those homegrown tomatoes, right now! Whenever I have an abundance of ripe tomatoes, I whip up some salsa and freeze in freezer...
Pennsylvania Dutch and Amish communities are known for the wide variety of condiments, jams, sauces, relishes and pickled foods that are served at every...
Salsa Mexicana or Pico de Gallo Salsa as it is known in some areas of México, is one of the simplest of Salsas and it can be ready in a matter of minutes...
This avocado green salsa is made with raw ingredients and is very common in central México where it is used for tacos "Al Pastor" or other grilled meats....
If you live in South Texas Chile Pequin bushes grow wild. I have oh half a dozen bushes in my yard. We love anything hot and there are more variations...
This relish (otherwise known as a salsa) has its roots all over Latin America and the Caribbean. Use freshly roasted sweet corn for best results, but canned...
Do you love that fresh red salsa at your local Mexican restaurant? Do you want to learn how to make it at home? I can help! This recipe for restaurant-style...
Piperrada (pronounced "PEEP-uh-raw-duh") is a salsa-like condiment from the Basque region of Spain made with tomatoes, bell peppers, onion and a unique...
This red taquería style salsa is absolutely delicious on steak or pork carnitas tacos. You need only a few ingredients to make it at home, and it lasts...
I had just moved to San Antonio and friends told me to enter my salsa recipe into a contest. I won second place! For San Antonio, I thought that was pretty...
I found this recipe of Ree Drummonds when she first came out with it (I have no idea how many years ago that was). I do know that it is the best salsa...
As an act of desperation last year I had to come up with something to do with 50 pounds of green tomatoes. After I used all the recipes I could find, I...
Roasted tomatillos, chile de árbol and guajillo peppers are blended together with garlic and salt to yield one of the most delicious salsas to drizzle...
Back when I was growing up sometimes in the winter there were no fresh jalapenos or serranos to make fresh salsa. My grandmother always had her stash of...
This is a recipe I modified from a Ball Blue Book recipe. It's a great way to use up your green tomatoes! Adjust the number of peppers to your taste. Ten...
Ají Criollo, is a spicy condiment made out of chilies, cilantro and lime juice and found in just about every household and restaurant in Ecuador. Traditionally,...
Quick, Easy, and ready to eat the same day! In Mexico, we also know these pickled jalapeño peppers as Chiles en Escabeche, Chiles en Vinagre, or Chiles...
This recipe evolved from my basic corn and tomato salsa recipe. I added shrimp and Louisiana seafood seasoning to it, and...WOW! Is it ever GOOD! I guarantee...
Tomatillo's are used a lot in Mexican cuisine. My grandmother grew them in her garden all summer long. They are round, & green with papery husks all around...
This isthe best Pico de Gallo (Salsa Fresca) you will ever have! Made with fresh tomatoes, onion, chiles, cilantro and lots of lime juice plus a secret...
If you have ever made a gooey, melted cheese dip, then you are probably familiar with canned Rotel tomatoes & chilies. It is my belief that almost anything...
This Ancho-Arbol Chile Pepper Salsa is excellent for those that love spicy sauces. You can adjust the spiciness by adding more Ancho peppers and reducing...
This is a fresh, authentic salsa. When my friend Carol brought me a container of this salsa, I promptly threw away every other salsa recipe I had. Everytime...
Salsa Macha is made out of dried peppers that are gently fried and then ground to form the sauce. Some versions use Arbol, Morita, or Serrano peppers,...
There is a Taqueria in the Latino Market in my area and the chef was happy to tell me how he makes their salsa and even shopped with me to gather ingredients....
This is one of my favorite recipes. I always make a big bowl of this salsa for camping and everybody loves it, it goes great with corona!! One year my...
I love La Victoria Green Taco Sauce and Tomatillo Salsa and Salsa Verde to put on my tacos at the Mexican Taqueria. And I have come up with this combination...
My mom made up this dip and everyone seems to go nuts everytime its on the table! Its the easiest thing to put together so I always bring it to tailgate...
This is a great lighter dish to serve - especially in the hot weather months. You need nothing more. It is a complete main dish with a cucumber relish/salad....
This recipe makes about two pint-sized mason jars. Now some of the ingredients might make you raise your eyebrow but trust me after you mix all this stuff...
Yes, I know, you must be thinking... "drunk" what? Yes, salsa borracha or drunk salsa is a very famous salsa in Mexico City and the central states, usually...
We are coming to the end of summer and I was looking for something to make with all the green tomatoes, when I found this recipe. It's very tasty on burgers...