In just a few minutes, with only a few ingredients, using just one pan, we're making an incredible dish featuring one of the world's best pan sauces. Whether...
This is an easy meal to put together because it incorporates cooking on a sheet pan. If you are starting with fresh salmon you must adjust the cooking...
Pesto adds loads of flavor to these baked salmon phyllo parcels. Just three - yes, three! - main ingredients result in a sophisticated dinner that's deceptively...
Easy, fast, and tasty! These tender, air-fried salmon fillets are full of subtly sweet and spicy flavor. Serve with rice and a green vegetable for the...
Entertaining guests and want to show off your talents as a chef? This homemade Dijon sauce for salmon makes the perfect dish! It's light and bursting with...
Entertaining guests and want to show off your talents as a chef? This homemade Dijon sauce for salmon makes the perfect dish! It's light and bursting with...
This simple recipe calls for pasta mixed with Alfredo sauce and baked salmon. Family members top their own pasta serving with as much Parmesan cheese as...
These savory salmon burgers hold up well on the grill, especially if you use a nice fillet of wild king salmon. Serve on an onion roll with lettuce, tomato,...
This simple recipe calls for pasta mixed with Alfredo sauce and baked salmon. Family members top their own pasta serving with as much Parmesan cheese as...
This is my favorite salmon recipe that I put together in college. This can be done on the grill or in the oven. By pairing salmon with rich/tangy lemon,...
This is my favorite salmon recipe that I put together in college. This can be done on the grill or in the oven. By pairing salmon with rich/tangy lemon,...
Fresh salmon needs very little preparation. These salmon fillets are cooked in good, sweet butter and minced garlic, and then sprinkled with a little lemon...
This marinade is great for grilled salmon. It works well with any cut of salmon. However, I typically use salmon fillets. I like king salmon best, but...
Grilled lemons add a smoky tartness to a butter sauce made to enjoy with grilled salmon. A touch of dill adds a fresh, clean finish. Make sure to use fresh...
My inspiration for this splendid recipe came from a dish on the menu at Longhorn® Steakhouse. I've guessed how it's made and decided to add strawberries...
My inspiration for this splendid recipe came from a dish on the menu at Longhorn® Steakhouse. I've guessed how it's made and decided to add strawberries...
This smoked salmon derives its flavor from Alder wood planks. I get these planks at the local lumber yard. Be sure you tell whoever helps you that you...
I love making this salmon with onion recipe. It's quick, easy, and super yummy! If your husband or boyfriend is a picky eater like mine, he will love this...
I love making this salmon with onion recipe. It's quick, easy, and super yummy! If your husband or boyfriend is a picky eater like mine, he will love this...
I love making this salmon with onion recipe. It's quick, easy, and super yummy! If your husband or boyfriend is a picky eater like mine, he will love this...
You are really going to love this exciting and vibrant new way to use salmon. It's dressed up with an easy and summery relish. Did I mention there will...
This salmon recipe which was given by my mother is out of this world. Even my husband who hates salmon will eat this. This marinade is also very good on...
This baked salmon preparation is an appealing low calorie main dish. Seasoned with brown sugar, cilantro and lemon-pepper, and paired with white rice flavored...
This baked salmon preparation is an appealing low calorie main dish. Seasoned with brown sugar, cilantro and lemon-pepper, and paired with white rice flavored...
This dish shows off the importance of contrasting textures and temperatures when assembling a dish. The hot, crisp-skinned salmon tops a warm, soft, earthy...
This dish shows off the importance of contrasting textures and temperatures when assembling a dish. The hot, crisp-skinned salmon tops a warm, soft, earthy...
This dish shows off the importance of contrasting textures and temperatures when assembling a dish. The hot, crisp-skinned salmon tops a warm, soft, earthy...
I live in Alaska and have 3 sons that love to fish. I have had to come up with some pretty creative ways to prepare salmon, this is by far my family and...