A simple soy sauce and brown sugar marinade, with hints of lemon and garlic, are the perfect salty-sweet complement to rich salmon fillets. Even my 9 year...
My family eats lots of seafood, and salmon is one of our favorites. This is a quick and delicious recipe that will have a meal prepared in minutes! If...
This recipe is the most delicious salmon recipe, easy to prepare and very refreshing. Everyone that ate this dish loved it. I made this recipe, and it...
This is a dish my brother prepared for me in Seattle. It is by far the best salmon I've ever eaten. I like to serve it with an Asian-inspired rice and...
Salmon did planking before it was a thing! Cedar keeps the fish from getting burned or blackened and infuses it with delectably earthy flavor. Brush with...
This recipe is simple to make, yet impressive. The marinade gives the fish a sweet taste that my family goes nuts for! If it's too cold out to grill it,...
My husband goes fishing, so I had to get creative with whatever he brings home. This is grilled salmon in a tasty, homemade marinade. Serve with potato...
Salmon tastes great pan fried, and combined with this delicious creamy sauce with mustard and dill, it turns into a gourmet meal - and it's ready in 20...
I live in Alaska and this grilled salmon in foil recipe goes over great at our barbeques. It's so simple to make and with a nice side of steamed asparagus...
Fresh salmon needs very little preparation. These salmon fillets are cooked in good, sweet butter and minced garlic, and then sprinkled with a little lemon...
This is a delicious and quick lunch or dinner meal. Serve over rice, pasta, polenta, or eat it right off your plate. So good you'll want to lick the plate...
These simple and few ingredients make for quick but elegant entertaining. The final broiling caramelizes the sugar to give the salmon its attractive, mildly...
Start with the great taste of grilled salmon then finish under the broiler to form a crust of homemade pesto. This recipe is easy to make, but tastes and...
Entertaining guests and want to show off your talents as a chef? This is the PERFECT dish!! It's light and BURSTING with flavor. It looks like it took...
You are really going to love this exciting and vibrant new way to use salmon. It's dressed up with an easy and summery relish. Did I mention there will...
A fabulous sweet and salty glaze is basted on salmon as it grills on cedar planks. The quick and easy glaze can be used on chicken and pork as well. Good...
This savory dinner is restaurant-worthy, but can be prepped and cooked in under 30 minutes! If you are not a fan of fish, you can substitute thinly sliced...
This simple recipe calls for pasta mixed with Alfredo sauce and baked salmon. Family members top their own pasta serving with as much Parmesan cheese as...
This is a grilled salmon recipe that is used at the Saint Matthew Parish picnic every year in Seattle, Washington. It works well with any cut of salmon...
Salmon is a delicate fish that does well when lightly smoked and gently seasoned. Cooking it on a plank over a live fire gives it a great smoky flavor...
Grilled lemons add a smoky tartness to a butter sauce made to enjoy with grilled salmon. A touch of dill adds a fresh, clean finish. Make sure to use fresh...
Did you know an air fryer can do more than just crisp and lend a healthier version of fried food? I decided to cook salmon in mine, and was amazed by the...