Grilled Chicken Mango Salad with Mango Cilantro Dressing is loaded with cucumbers, peppers, avocado and has a crazy good dressing that doubles up as a...
Ramen Noodle Salad: easy oriental salad recipe with ramen noodles, crunchy cabbage slaw, healthy veggies, seeds tossed in a top notch asian dressing. A...
This easy garbanzo bean salad is an awesome vegan recipe that's perfect for a healthy summer lunch - filled with cucumber, tomatoes and corn, with a cilantro...
This frozen cranberry salad has been a staple on our Thanksgiving table for over 40 years. This creamy, frozen concoction made with crushed pineapple,...
Three simple ingredients. Incredibly easy. And a family favorite comfort food. Need we say more? Whip up this creamy Fruit Cocktail Fluff Salad in no time....
Wurstsalat - or Sausage Salad - is a meaty Swiss/German salad. Made from chopped sausage, cheese, pickles, and onions, this flavorful dish is covered in...
This spring orzo salad is full of bright and fresh flavors that will make you happy from the very first bite! Crisp asparagus, spicy arugula, and flavorful...
This Everyday Tossed Salad is an easy garden salad to pull together to serve as a starter or have as a light main. I've tossed this salad with a delicious...
Pickled onions are prepared in several ways in Mexico. For example, in the Yucatan area, it is made with pickled white onions and habanero or Xcatic peppers....
Loaded with wonderful crunch from Ramen Noodles, sliced almonds, and sunflower seeds, this Asian Ramen Noodle Salad with Broccoli Slaw is a classic, for...
The 4-ingredient Mint and Melon Salad recipe I have for you today is utterly delicious in its simplicity. It takes just 10 minutes and is naturally gluten-free...
An easy Carrot Salad recipe from Russia called Morkovcha, with roots of Korean immigrants. Thinly julienned carrots with garlic, vinegar, spices and onions...
This very simple arugula Parmesan prosciutto salad is one that I enjoy often. It's the quickest salad to put together because the dressing is made à la...
Popular throughout Central America & Mexico, Salpicón is a refreshing salad that is great as a topping for tostadas or wrapped in fresh corn tortillas....
This tasty and refreshing coleslaw is really easy to make and has the perfect balance of crunch, sweetness, and tang. There is no overwhelming soupy dressing...
Our Arugula Salad Recipe is on the table in just minutes! This popular salad has a Lemon Balsamic Dressing, fresh lemon zest, and a few cherry tomatoes....
A blend of sweet and savoury ingredients with a variety of textures, this winter green salad recipe features delicious fresh spinach, sweet pears, and...
Lemon Arugula Salad with Pine Nuts is a quick and easy salad that is peppery, sweet and satisfying. Arugula is tossed with cherry tomatoes, toasted pine...
Quick and easy Cherry Fluff Salad with Cherry Pie Filling is a beautifully delicious creamy side or dessert salad, fabulous to enjoy on your holiday table...
Arugula Beet and Goat Cheese Salad is a delicious, festive, and colorful salad for the holidays! It's sweet, tangy, juicy, and savory all at the same...
Easy Lettuce Radish Salad with Lemon Vinaigrette is as simple as it gets! It has a crisp and crunchy texture and is lemony good. It's so fresh, versatile,...