Yup, here's yet another basic vinaigrette recipe, but what makes this recipe interesting are all the add-ons. Instructions are included for garlic, balsamic,...
Posted for ZWT6 - Asian Regions. Found on a grocery recipe card located in Harris Teeter. This is such a refreshing salad and very reasonable on caloric...
This is my sister-in-law's recipe. Technically, it's missing a few things that would make it a proper Caesar salad, but for a low-fat alternative, it's...
I haven't made this homemade version of poppyseed dressing yet, but wanted to post it here because of the ease of preparation and for safe-keeping. Cooking...
An elegant summer salad...found at The Fresh Market and tweaked slightly! Not sure why it was dubbed "Merlot" Shallot Dressing, as the original recipe...
I got this recipe from and friend and it is my favorite salad. I like to use a lot more sugar than the recipe calls for - About 2-3 tablespoons, but I'll...
Another great dressing/marinade from Good Seasons, using their Italian Salad Dressing Mix. They recommend it atop a salad with chicken, fruit and nuts...
I collect many of my recipes by asking chefs at restaurants for their recipe for something that I particulary enjoyed. This vinaigrette recipe came from...
I received this recipe after having it at a 4th of July party. Hence the name for this different 7 layer salad. This is a great tasting and looking salad....
This recipe comes for a BHG small CB with favorite recipes from 1930 until 2001. This particular recipe comes from 1941. This recipe interests me because...
This is the exact salad dressing I had recently at a chain restaurant, and it was so delicious!!! Taken from the New York Times food section, and adapted...
A dressing that is low calorie and contains no oil or mayo. Easy to make and SPICY! Not for garlic haters - this will keep the vampires away! You can use...
This is a nice salad dish for the holiday season or special dinner. Much of this can be made ahead...a real time-saver! They suggest saving the poaching...
Christie's restaurant was a beloved eatery in San Antonio for over 50 years before closing in the 90's. From the San Antonio Express News. Please read...
Here's an easy, delicious, and healthy bean salad that I've put together, using one of Michel Montignac's low-carb vinaigrettes. The vinaigrette is great...
I decided to cut out all the fuss and measuring. It sounds like a lot of sugar but it's not. This makes a great Sweet Italian Dressing for your salad that...
This is a great salad and one of our favorites. For an added touch, use wooden salad bowls and take one clove of garlic (smashed) and rub it on the inside...
I grew up in the south, and this is the only dressing I knew existed until I was grown. I eat others now, but I still use this one a lot. It's sweet-tart,...
Green goddess dressing was invented in the 1920's at San Francisco's Palace Hotel as a tribute to William Archer's hit play, The Green Goddess. It gets...
My favorite salad dressing is Caribbean Garlic by Island Grove. It's a honey mustard dressing with lime and garlic. Due to an allergy to vegetable gums...
Another Grandmother recipe. This relish is savory more than sweet. It doesn't have cinnamon and clove like other recipes. It's excellent as a compliment...
I saw this made on TV, then went looking for the recipe and came up with this yummy, slightly smoky, slightly sweet coleslaw! I hope you enjoy it as much...
Found on line for menopause.Please take note that honeys are all different so use your judgement on how much you use. The light honeys are mild compared...